This procedure creates a visual display of your table data. The result is an html file in
the c: directory. Example picture is below:
weight | height | years | iq |
Ann |
First put all downloaded files put in C: directory (only htm and jpg). Then you have to create procedure psoHTML.
Data for charts are from table which is created by us, but it must satisfy some rules. First column is primary key - varchar and it represent object. Other columns must be integer and they are properties of objects. The name of column represent column property. For example objects can be persons and properties are weight, height, years,
etc. When data is inserted in the table we call call procedure with parameters (name of table and name of new html file), result is new created file with that name in directory C: (please don't forget to copy files to directory C:). This procedure is limited to 4 object but you can
easily upgrade it to more with basic
knowledge of graphical utilities.
Here is the stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE psoHTML @table varchar(30), @html varchar(20) AS /*created by IVICA MASAR 15-06-2003 */ CREATE TABLE #temptable1 (number int, property decimal(9,2), maxi decimal(9,2)) CREATE TABLE #temptableHTML (code varchar(1000)) INSERT INTO #temptableHTML VALUES ('<html>'+ '<head>'+ '<title>SIMPLE CHART</title>'+ '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'+ '</head>'+ '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">'+ '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0">'+ '<tr bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> ') DECLARE @trenutniRed varchar(30), @tableRow1 varchar(3000), @sql varchar(300), @firstColumnName varchar(30), @HTMLfile varchar(1000), @columnNumber varchar(30), @fs int, @ole int, @file int select @HTMLfile = 'C:\' + @html + '.htm' SELECT @firstColumnName = max( FROM sysobjects t, syscolumns c WHERE t.type='U' AND AND AND length > 4 DECLARE SysKursor INSENSITIVE SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT FROM sysobjects t, syscolumns c WHERE t.type='U' AND AND AND length = 4 FOR READ ONLY OPEN SysKursor FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN SELECT @tableRow1 = '<td><div align="center"><font size="3" color="#000066"><b>' + @trenutniRed + '</b></font></div></td>' INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT @tableRow1 FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed END INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '</tr><tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF">' FETCH FIRST FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN DELETE FROM #temptable1 INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '<td nowrap>' SELECT @sql = 'SELECT count(*) number, t1.'+ @trenutniRed +', (SELECT MAX(' + @trenutniRed +') from ' + @table + ') FROM ' + @table + ' t1, ' + @table + ' t2' + ' WHERE t1.' + @firstColumnName + ' >= t2.' + @firstColumnName + ' GROUP BY t1.'+ @trenutniRed +',t1.' + @firstColumnName INSERT INTO #temptable1 exec(@sql) INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '<img src="col'+ CAST (number as varchar(3))+'.jpg" width="33" height="' + CAST (CAST((property/maxi*200) as int) as varchar(5))+ '"> ' FROM #temptable1 FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '</td>' END CLOSE SysKursor DEALLOCATE SysKursor SELECT @columnNumber = count(*) FROM sysobjects t, syscolumns c WHERE t.type='U' AND AND AND length = 4 INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '</tr><tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><td colspan="' + @columnNumber + '"><p>' SELECT @sql = 'SELECT ''<img src="col'' + CAST(count(*) as varchar(5))+''.jpg"><i><font size="3"> '' + t1.' + @firstColumnName + '+''</font></i><br>'' from ' + @table + ' t1, ' + @table + ' t2 where t1.' + @firstColumnName + '>=t2.' + @firstColumnName + ' group by t1.' + @firstColumnName INSERT INTO #temptableHTML exec(@sql) INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '</p></td></tr></table>' INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT char(80) + char(83) + char (79) INSERT INTO #temptableHTML SELECT '</body></html>' --SELECT * FROM #temptableHTML SELECT @sql = 'del '+ @HTMLfile EXECUTE @ole = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @fs OUT EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql, NO_OUTPUT EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @fs, 'OpenTextFile', @file OUT, @HTMLfile, 8, 1 DECLARE SysKursor INSENSITIVE SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT code FROM #temptableHTML FOR READ ONLY OPEN SysKursor FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @tableRow1 WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @file, 'WriteLine', Null, @tableRow1 FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @tableRow1 END CLOSE SysKursor DEALLOCATE SysKursor EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @file EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @fs
Example 1
CREATE TABLE pso1 ( object varchar(15) PRIMARY KEY, property1 int, property2 int, property3 int, property4 int, property5 int, property6 int ) INSERT INTO pso1 VALUES ('FIRST OBJECT',180,100,27,120,2,1000); INSERT INTO pso1 VALUES ('SECOND OBJECT',80,500,67,20,32,100); EXEC psoHTML 'pso1', 'demo1'
There is new file in directory C: with name demo1.htm (C:\demo1.htm)
Example 2
CREATE TABLE pso ( person varchar(15) PRIMARY KEY, weight int, height int, years int, iq int ) INSERT INTO pso VALUES ('Tom','180','100','27','120'); INSERT INTO pso VALUES ('Ann','130','45','15','130'); INSERT INTO pso VALUES ('Joe','60','20','10','80'); INSERT INTO pso VALUES ('Mark','207','150','35','90'); EXEC psoHTML 'pso', 'demo2'
There is new file in directory C: with name demo2.htm (C:\demo2.htm).