One of the challenges of logging SQL processes is to obtain a complete list of calling and called SPs/UDFs at any given phase of the process. CONTEXT_INFO() comes handy in this case. It is a function returning 128 bytes which are persistent throughout the connection and resistant to rollbacks.
Let's consider the following scenario. A SQL job which loads a datawarehouse consists of chain of stored procedures. Every action is logged into a table and it would be great if we can also log the whole calling chain of SPs and see where the process currently is. CONTEXT_INFO() can be used as shared data between SPs.
The first two stored procedures bellow use CONTEXT_INFO() as a string for storing SPs identifiers. They perform the save (push) and remove(pop) functionality using @@procid which identifies the SP and can be translated into the SPs name. The output is the new CONTEXT_INFO() value. The third procedure converts the binary @@procid into the object name and outputs the CONTEXT_INFO() in a readable form.
1. Push the @@proc_id into CONTEXT_INFO()
Every SP stores their @@procid in CONTEXT_INFO() after being called:
create procedure log_PushContextInfoInt (@procid int,@b varbinary(128) output) as begin set @b=convert(binary(4),@procid)+isnull(context_info(),0x0) set context_info @b return end go
2. Pop the @@procid from the CONTEXT_INFO()
After the call returns, the caller will remove the top 4 bytes as it represents the @procid as int stored in 4 bytes.
create procedure log_PopContextInfoInt (@b varbinary(128) output) as begin set @b=substring(isnull(context_info(),0x0),5,len(context_info())) set context_info @b return end go
3. Read the CONTEXT_INFO() and convert it into a string containing SP' s names delimited by '/'
create proc log_ReadContextInfoSP (@b varbinary(128),@call_str varchar(2048) output) as set @call_str='' while @b<>0x0 begin set @call_str=object_name(convert(int,substring(@b,1,4)))+'/'+@call_str set @b=substring(@b,5,len(@b)) end return
Usage example
These three SPs demonstrate the usage. Procedure a calls procedure b, which calls procedure c. Every SP call is preceded by saving it's @@procid in CONTEXT_INFO() using log_PushContextInfoInt. After the call returns, the top @@procid is removed by log_PopContextInfoInt. The content of CONTEXT_INFO(), which represents the current calling stack is available through log_ReadContextInfoSP.
create proc a as print '---- in a ----' declare @b varbinary(128),@call_str varchar(2048) exec log_PushContextInfoInt @@procid,@b output print 'before call' exec log_ReadContextInfoSP @b,@call_str output print @call_str exec b exec log_PopContextInfoInt @b output print 'after call' exec log_ReadContextInfoSP @b,@call_str output print @call_str print '------------' return go create proc b as print '---- in b ----' declare @b varbinary(128),@call_str varchar(2048) exec log_PushContextInfoInt @@procid,@b output print 'before call' exec log_ReadContextInfoSP @b,@call_str output print @call_str exec c exec log_PopContextInfoInt @b output print 'after call' exec log_ReadContextInfoSP @b,@call_str output print @call_str print '-------------' return go create proc c as print '---- in c ----' declare @b varbinary(128),@call_str varchar(2048) exec log_PushContextInfoInt @@procid,@b output exec log_ReadContextInfoSP @b,@call_str output print @call_str print '------------' return
Don't forget to reset the CONTEXT_INFO()
set context_info 0x0 exec a
---- in a ----
before call
---- in b ----
before call
---- in c ----
after call
after call
CONTEXT_INFO() with its 128 bytes is a lightweight method for passing info within the session without getting too heavy into service broker queues.