SQLServerCentral is the #1 education and community site for SQL Server. It has had over a million members in its history and receives over 2.5 million pageviews/month. SQLServerCentral provides a central hub for the SQL Server Community where they can interact with their peers and access the accurate, relevant, and timely technical information that they need to do their jobs. Its focus is on educating SQL Server users by providing a central hub for the SQL Server community. The site is driven by original content developed by our columnists and based on the real world problems they encounter working with SQL Server in their careers. In addition to articles providing valuable information, SQLServerCentral also includes the following:
SQLServerCentral is owned by Redgate software together with Simple Talk. SQLServerCentral and its editor, Steve Jones, have complete editorial independence from Redgate.
Steve Jones is editor-in-chief of SQLServerCentral. Steve started working with SQL Server in 1991 with the original Sybase port of SQL Server to OS/2 v1.3 (shudder). He has continued working with SQL Server through all versions up to 2000. Prior to SQLServerCentral, he worked with JD Edwards in Denver, CO until it was purchased by PeopleSoft, spending most of his time administering a large scale SQL Server environment and developing automated solutions for administration and optimization of SQL Server.
Steve is an MCSE, slowly working on the SQL Server 2012 tests when he runs out of things to write about. He has published articles in SQL Server Magazine, SQL Server Update, NT Update, and is the co-author of these books from Sybex:
After starting to write articles in his spare time, the writing bug has bitten Steve and he enjoys writing articles and stories of all different types.
When not composing his world famous editorials, Steve is enjoying the Rocky mountains with his wife and three kids out on his ranch in southeast Denver. When not dropping hay in buckets or mucking stalls for his wife's horses, he enjoys reading, biking, coaching volleyball, and watching sports: football (Broncos and Cowboys), baseball (Yankees and Rockies) and basketball (Lakers and Nuggets).
Steve also runs his own site at voiceofthedba.com.
This site was founded in March of 2001 by six DBAs that were all interested in writing about their work and helping others work with SQL Server. After a year and a half, three founders were left trying to build the fantastic site you see today.
This site was the brainchild of SQL Server MVP Brian Knight who brought the rest of us together. Andy Warren and Steve Jones have worked for nearly six years growing the site and giving back to the community. Jon Winer, Leon Platt, and Sean Burke are the other three founders.
In November 2006, Andy and Brian made the decision to move on to other SQL Server ventures and the site was sold to Redgate software.