Need help with "Where" clause

  • Hi Everyone,
         I have a query that brings back a list of orders.  I have the SELECT portion to where i want it, but the WHERE clause is giving me fits.

        Here is the WHERE clause:

    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225,345)

    AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL

    The FSLog tracks the status of an order and the IDNum is a particular type of status.  For this instance, I am looking at '345' which lets say means "Documents Delivered".  There is also another status I need to add which is '333' and let's call this "Documents Received".

    What I need is to modify the WHERE clause to look for Documents received with a completed date, but documents delivered  completed date to be null.

    I've tried every possible combination I can think of and every time I run it I get no recrods back.

    This clause I've tried and no records return, for example.

    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND (FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL )

    AND ((FSLog.IDNum IN (345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL) OR (FSLog.IDNum IN(333) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL))

    I've even tried cross applies, additional joins with aliases, and nothing seems to work.

    Thanks for your help in advance!

  • Like this, maybe?
    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND ((FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225,345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)

    OR (FSLog.IDNum = 333 AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL))

  • WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')
    AND ((FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)
    OR ((FSLog.IDNum IN (345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL) OR (FSLog.IDNum IN(333) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL)))


  • Hi

    You should change your second AND statement as well to check for the three different conditions.

    This should work if I understand the question correctly:

    WHERE  ORDERS.Status IN ( 'New', 'Open' )
                  AND (
                             FSLog.IDNum IN ( 16, 19, 116, 136, 225 )
                             AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL
                  OR (
                         FSLog.IDNum IN ( 345 )
                         AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL
                 OR (
                         FSLog.IDNum IN ( 333 )
                        AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL

  • Phil Parkin - Monday, August 21, 2017 7:13 AM

    Like this, maybe?
    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND ((FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225,345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)

    OR (FSLog.IDNum = 333 AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL))

    Well, I do get results but not what Im looking for.
    I have to take the 345 code out and check it with the 333 code.  the 345 code has to be null and the 333 code has to have a date in it.  all of the other codes still have to be null.

  • meichmann - Monday, August 21, 2017 7:19 AM

    Phil Parkin - Monday, August 21, 2017 7:13 AM

    Like this, maybe?
    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND ((FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225,345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)

    OR (FSLog.IDNum = 333 AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL))

    Well, I do get results but not what Im looking for.
    I have to take the 345 code out and check it with the 333 code.  the 345 code has to be null and the 333 code has to have a date in it.  all of the other codes still have to be null.

    My code does that already. At least, I think it does. Can you post an example (Status, IDNum, CompletedDate) combo which fails the test?

  • Looking at your WHERE clause your query must be joining the two tables which would result in the following possible combinations

    New     16     2017-08-01
    New     16     NULL
    Open    16     NULL
    Open    16     2017-08-01
    New     19     2017-08-01
    New     19     NULL
    Open    19     NULL
    Open    19     2017-08-01
    New     116    2017-08-01
    New     116    NULL
    Open    116    NULL
    Open    116    2017-08-01
    New     136    2017-08-01
    New     136    NULL
    Open    136    NULL
    Open    136    2017-08-01
    New     225    2017-08-01
    New     225    NULL
    Open    225    NULL
    Open    225    2017-08-01
    New     345    2017-08-01
    New     345    NULL
    Open    345    NULL
    Open    345    2017-08-01

    use a GROUP BY and SUM, i.e.
    GROUP BY Document
    WHEN FSLog.IDNum = 345 AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL THEN 1
    WHEN FSLog.IDNum = 333 AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL THEN 1
    WHEN FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL THEN 1
    ELSE 0 END) = 7

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I think you're losing logical consistency with your AND / OR & braces. Try this:

    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')

    AND (

    (FSLog.IDNum IN (333) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL)


    (FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225,345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • After re-reading, I am wondering whether you are trying to combine multiple source rows into a single output row?

  • it looks like your WHERE clause contradicts itself, the first combination of IDNum and CompletedDate also needs to be inside the parenthesis with the OR conditions, so maybe something like:
    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')
      AND (   (FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)
           OR (FSLog.IDNum IN (345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)
           OR (FSLog.IDNum IN (333) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL)

    EDIT:  looks like I'm late to the game, I swear all these responses weren't there a minute ago

  • Chris Harshman - Monday, August 21, 2017 7:30 AM

    it looks like your WHERE clause contradicts itself, the first combination of IDNum and CompletedDate also needs to be inside the parenthesis with the OR conditions, so maybe something like:
    WHERE ORDERS.Status IN ('New','Open')
      AND (   (FSLog.IDNum IN (16,19,116,136,225) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)
           OR (FSLog.IDNum IN (345) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NULL)
           OR (FSLog.IDNum IN (333) AND FSLog.CompletedDate IS NOT NULL)

    EDIT:  looks like I'm late to the game, I swear all these responses weren't there a minute ago

    Haha that's what I saw too 🙂

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I will try all of these and let you know.  thank you for all the responses!

  • Ok, so we came to the conclusion that we're going to leave that criteria out and make a separate query for just the 333 and 345 codes.

    thank you everyone for your time and input!


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