SSRS Sunburst - Show Labels Outside

  • Hello,

    We are changing our data effective September 1st which creates the need to change one of our dashboard graphs from a doughnut to a sunburst. In the doughnut, I'm able to display the labels outside of the graph as you see here:

    When we make our change, I need to have a sunburst also with labels outside but I can't seem to figure out how to get the labels to show outside. This is what I'm getting:

    Just to note, the first level (inside circle) will only have four options when we make our change moving all of the detail to the outside ring. You can see, for example, the UNAVAILABL section has two visible labels (None and IDHOLD). I have been asked to make the labels clickable so it will go to a detail report. For the labels that I can see, the click works great but you can see in that UNAVAILABL section that there are four additional breakdowns that don't show a label. I need those to show outside. Here are the label properties:

    You can see I have it set to what should show the labels outside thus my post. What have I done wrong that is preventing the labels from showing outside of the chart as in my first example?

  • Just thinking about whether your page size might have an impact.   If the "graph" itself is large enough, page size might force the labels to the inside.   Also check your label font size.

  • I just doubled the page size and it didn't make a difference. I do have the font size set to 8 pt. I did try reducing the font size down to an unreadable 4 pt and no difference. It is acting like it is ignoring the property item to put it outside. Any other thoughts?

  • Sorry, but that was all I could think of, as I've not actually seen this particular graph type as yet.   However, I assumed you tried making the overall graph different sizes relative to the page, and if that didn't do it, it might be because it has a threshold for the number of items it can fit outside that is too small to accommodate what you need.   Any chance you could make two separate graph items and size/position both so that one can actually fit inside the other?   Not sure what else to suggest beyond posting a Connect item.

  • What is a "Connect" item and how would I go about posting one?

  • It's one of Microsoft's software error reporting apps, and I don't know the details...   I just know it exists.   You can call MS and see if they have any guidance on how to do what you're looking for, but they may well be looking to charge you for it.
  • Ok, thank you. I have only contacted Microsoft directly once and that was a server outage issue, not SQL Server related. I'll see what I can find perhaps post something there.

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