DTS Package

  • TestServer: SQL Server 2000

    ProdServer: SQL Server 2000

    Client on my machine: Sql Server Management Studio 2008.

    Goal: Move DTS Package from Test to Prod.

    Here's what I did per Step 5 of http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314546

    1) From the SSMS2008 client, in Object Explorer, Expand Servername (in TESTServer), Expand Management, Expand Legacy, Expand Data Transformation Services, Right Click on the package, Open ... , Select the DTS Package version. And it opens up in DTS 2000 Package Designer.

    2) From DTS 2000 Package Designer, I click on Package, Save As ... , Save DTS Package,

    Location: SQL Server,

    Server: PRODSERVER,

    Package name: xyz

    Click OK.

    It gives me an error "DTS Package ‘xyz‘ already exists with a different ID in this category."

    Question 1: How do I add to the same name but different version just like in TESTSERVER?


    Moving forward, I right click the DTS package in PRODSERVER, Rename the package to XYZ_OLD

    Tried steps 1 and 2 above again, and it got moved over.

    However, when the user tried to execute package, she says it gives her an error.

    Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description: The specified DTS Package (‘Name = ‘xyz'; ID. VersioID = { does not exits}

    Question 2: How do I fix this error?

    Question 3: How exactly is one suppose to move from TEST to PROD?


  • However, when the user tried to execute package, she says it gives her an error.

    How is this person trying to execute the package? Have you tried right-clicking on the package in the MSDB directory on the production server?

  • My mistake ... checked with her this morning and she was just trying to open the package from Sql Server Enterprise Manager 2000 when she got the error message.

    Edit: Do you think I need to get SQL Server Enterprise Manager 2000 rather than running SSMS2008?

  • For future reference to anyone experiencing this issue:

    I just installed SQL Server 2000 Client Tools - Enterprise Manager and moved the package. That resolved all the issues. My guess is MSSQL2000 EM has the meta data portion whilst MSSQL2008 SSMS doesn't.

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