Help using SELECT INTO

  • Hi I need to get data out of a table and change the value from one of the coulmns.

    Problem is i only want to use the first record for each SSOUsers_RowID, there could be more than one record for SSOUsers_RowID I have tried to use distinct on the select satement but it won't work.


    SSOUsers_RowID FamilyType ServiceID Param1 etc

    32 3 ATAA 75990010

    32 3 ATBB 75990010

    56 3 ATCC 72390009

    56 3 ATDD 72390009

    56 3 ATEE 72390009

    My test code as below but only want to get the first record for SSOUsers_RowID

    declare @MyTable Table


    [SSOUsers_RowID] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [FamilyType] [tinyint] NULL,

    [ServiceID] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [Param1] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [Param2] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [Param3] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [Param4] [varchar](20) NULL


    insert into @MyTable

    Select SSOUsers_RowID,FamilyType,'ATAS',Param1,Param2,param3,param4

    from ssouserservices where FamilyType='3'


  • Answer to my own question used

    Select DISTINCT SSOUsers_RowID,FamilyType,'ATAS',Param1,Param2,param3,param4

    did work must have had a typo previously

  • but your service id will not be able to put into the new table

  • Hi No i wanted to change the service id value to ATAS for all with the results from the query

  • This would be my solution:

    insert into @MyTable

    Select SSOUsers_RowID,FamilyType,'ATAS',Param1,Param2,param3,param4

    from ssouserservices

    where FamilyType='3' AND

    SSOUsers_RowID =



    FROM ssouserservices

    where FamilyType='3'

    group by FamilyType, Param1,Param2,param3,param4


    Hope this helps!


    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: for significant large values of 2

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