Stored procedure execution faster in develop thant production ...

  • Hi,

    I have a develop server with SQL Server 2000 SP3 and a production server with SQL Server 2000 SP4.

    I have been my database backup in production server and restore in my develop server.

    If i execute various stored procedure in my develop server, the execution is inmediate (3 or 4 seconds). If a execute the

    same stored procedure in my production database the execution finish after 40 seconds.

    I can see that the execution plan is different in develop and production database.

    Somebody say me why this succeeded? Why this stored procedure execution is faster in develop than in production?

    How i could solve this problem?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • I would look at what the hardware differences are between the two boxes. I would also look at the level of activity between Prod and Test. You mention that the execution plan is different between the two environments. What is the difference and what is the impact of the difference. You also mention a difference in service pack level. Are changes in the service pack handleing locking better? There is almost an endless list of reason for the two environments to behave differently and unfortunatley you have to analyze each one to figure out where the problem is. I would start with the execution plan first since that may give you the best information for a starting point.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • Thank you for your response Dan.

    The main difference between the development and production server is that development is only the database server while the production server have installed many other applications (i already speak with system administrator to say that it is not the best practique).

    One of the main causes of poor performance in production is the low free memory existing in the server. The system administrator is looking at options for expanding memory. When complet this task i newly will monitor server performance and will apply all your suggestion.

    Thanks again.

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