if Exists

  • Hi everybody,

    this is the normal query through this we will come to know whiether the records exists or not

    if EXISTS(SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol)


    SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol


    my questions

    i want to check the record exists or not in the table then execute the query

    through following syntex but it gives an error

    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT ' + CHAR(39) +@TableName + CHAR(39) + ' AS TableName,* FROM [' + @TableName + '] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @ColumnName + ']= ' + CHAR(39) + @Value + CHAR(39)

    if EXISTS(SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlquery)



    need your assistances

    thanks in advance

    Patel Mohamad

  • Rather than guess, what error does it give ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 34

    Line 34: Incorrect syntax near 'SP_EXECUTESQL'.

    Patel Mohamad

  • I suspect this is a homework question , is it ?

    You will have to insert the results of the sp_executesql into a temp table and test against that.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • the following code illustrate you in breif actual i want the table name, respective column data from over all Tables of the Database

    DECLARE @iIndexRow INT ,@RowsCount_Row int , @sqlquery NVARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @Value VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) ,@ColumnName VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @xtype int


    DECLARE @iIndexCol INT ,@RowsCount_Col int

    SELECT @Value = 'VALUE'

    SELECT Identity(INT,1,1) AS Sr_No, id, Name INTO #Temp_Table_Row


    WHERE xtype = 'U' ORDER BY [Name]

    SELECT @RowsCount_Row = @@RowCount

    SELECT @iIndexRow = 1

    WHILE @iIndexRow <= @RowsCount_Row

    BEGIN --- 1.0

    if EXISTS(SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Row WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexRow)

    BEGIN -- 1.1

    SELECT @ID_Row = ID FROM #Temp_Table_Row WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexRow

    SELECT Identity(INT,1,1) AS Sr_No , id, Name , xtype INTO #Temp_Table_Col

    FROM Syscolumns

    where id = @ID_Row

    and xtype in (35 ,98 ,165 ,167 ,173 ,175 ,231 ,231 ,239) -- ,99 For datatypes char varhcar etc

    ORDER BY [Name]

    SELECT @RowsCount_Col = @@RowCount

    SELECT @iIndexCol = 1

    WHILE @iIndexCol <= @RowsCount_Col

    BEGIN --- 2.0

    if EXISTS(SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol)

    BEGIN--- 2.1

    SELECT @TableName = Object_Name(ID) ,@ColumnName = Name , @xtype = xtype FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol

    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT ' + CHAR(39) +@TableName + CHAR(39) + ' AS TableName,* FROM [' + @TableName + '] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @ColumnName + '] like% ' + CHAR(39) + @Value + CHAR(39)

    if EXISTS(SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlquery)

    BEGIN--- 2.1.0

    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlquery

    END--- 2.1.0

    END--- 2.1

    SELECT @iIndexCol = @iIndexCol + 1

    END --- 2.0

    DROP TABLE #Temp_Table_Col

    END-- 1.1

    SELECT @iIndexRow = @iIndexRow + 1

    END --- 1.0

    DROP TABLE #Temp_Table_Row

    Patel Mohamad

  • A bit complicated code, what are you trying to do?

    why do you try running a function from a stored procedure after passing a value form the Exist statement

  • this is the normal query

    through this we will come to know whiether the records exists or not in the table

    if EXISTS(SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol)


    SELECT Sr_No FROM #Temp_Table_Col WHERE Sr_No = @iIndexCol


    my questions

    i want to check the record exists or not in the table then execute the query

    through following syntax but it gives an error

    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT ' + CHAR(39) +@TableName + CHAR(39) + ' AS TableName,* FROM [' + @TableName + '] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @ColumnName + ']= ' + CHAR(39) + @Value + CHAR(39)

    if EXISTS(SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlquery)



    i am assign the query into one variable and then executing it through EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL but before executing the query i want to check the record exists for the build up query

    hope you got it.....

    Patel Mohamad

  • Try this way..


    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT @CNT = COUNT(*) FROM [' + @TableName + '] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @ColumnName + ']= ' + CHAR(39) + @Value + CHAR(39)


    if EXISTS(@CNT2>0)


    SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT ' + CHAR(39) +@TableName + CHAR(39) + ' AS TableName,* FROM [' + @TableName + '] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @ColumnName + ']= ' + CHAR(39) + @Value + CHAR(39)

    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlquery


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