June 18, 2015 at 11:10 am
I'm trying to extract a GUID from a table in an eVault DB.
The XML looks like this
<ArrayOfObjectSelector xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<startLocation xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">/$VSPHERE$/$VM$/</startLocation>
<displayLocation xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">
<name />
<displayLocation xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">
<displayLocation xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">
<separator xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">/</separator>
<specs xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">
<returnType xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">ALL</returnType>
<recursive xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures">false</recursive>
using this query
,[IncludeSelectionItems].value('(/includeSelectionItemsTemp/ArrayOfObjectSelector/ObjectSelector/specs/name)[1]','nvarchar(255)') as UUID
WHEREcast([IncludeSelectionItems] as varchar(max)) like '%ORDBEH%'
I get the record i want but no UUID
Gives me the start, but then i get the whole of "specs".
ideally i would like 2 hints 🙂
A quick solution for my current problem, and a link to some URL where i can learn more about how to query more complex XML
June 18, 2015 at 11:38 am
I don't have the URLs I used to work out xQuery myself (recently,) but try this in your .value:
,[IncludeSelectionItems].value('(/includeSelectionItemsTemp/ArrayOfObjectSelector/ObjectSelector/specs[@xmlns="urn:agent-management-data-structures"]/name)[1]','nvarchar(255)') as UUID
June 26, 2015 at 2:40 am
The nodes specs and name have a namespace. You can use * as wildcard character for a namespace or you can use WITH XMLNAMESPACES (Transact-SQL).
.value('(/includeSelectionItemsTemp/ArrayOfObjectSelector/ObjectSelector/*:specs/*:name/text())[1]', 'uniqueidentifier')
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