Email escalation

  • Hi ,

    i woote a trigger that will fire when an record inserted onto a table and the message will be send to the recipient.

    I need to put a CC (@copy_recipients) to multi ID's.

    but mails are received to only the @recipients and first id in the @copy_recipients ignoring the second one.

    please help how can i send to multiple recipients.?

    ALter TRIGGER ibolt_integration_err_Mailer ON dbo.ibolt_integration_error AFTER INSERT AS

    DECLARE @DataObj int

    DECLARE @ErrorMsg varchar(50)

    DECLARE @ListValues nvarchar(255)

    DECLARE @ProfitCenter nvarchar(255)

    DECLARE @FromDbName nvarchar(255)

    SET @DataObj = (SELECT Rec_ID FROM inserted)

    SET @ErrorMsg = (SELECT ErrorMsg FROM inserted)

    SET @ListValues = (SELECT ListValues FROM inserted)

    SET @ProfitCenter = (SELECT ProfitCenter FROM inserted)

    SET @FromDbName = (SELECT FromDbName FROM inserted)

    --IF @price >= 1000


    DECLARE @msg varchar(500)

    SET @msg = 'Record has been inserted onto table ibolt_integration_error with DataObject "' + cast(@DataObj as nvarchar) + '" Error Message as "' + @ErrorMsg + '" of listvalue "' + @ListValues + '" for the profit center "' + isnull(@ProfitCenter,'Null')+ '" and of database "' + isnull(@FromDbName,'Null') + '".'

    --'Record has been inserted onto table ibolt_integration_error with Record-ID "' + cast(@Rec_ID as nvarchar) + '" and Error Message as "' + @ErrorMsg + '.'

    --// CHANGE THE VALUE FOR @recipients

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=N'',@copy_recipients = ';', @body= @msg, @subject = 'Mail from error table', @profile_name = 'sssprofile'



    thanks in advance


  • I don't see anything wrong with the code. Switch the cc recipients and see what happens. Also check the sysmail tables in msdb.

  • mirravi (8/6/2010)

    @copy_recipients = ';'

    i am sure your email address list will be huge.So better to add a distribution list in exchange server and add that it in "@copy_recipients" parameter.

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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