Getting @@RowCount in select statement doesn't work in Proc

  • I need to retrieve the @@RowCount value from within a proc like so:

    select @RowCount = @@RowCount From tTable Where....

    This works if it's not called from within a proc however as soon as I attempt to do this inside a proc it returns 0 as the Rowcount.

    I know I can set the rowcount after the select statment but I just thought it was interesting that it doesn't work like this inside a proc.

    Any ideas why or if it can work inside a proc the way I'm attempting to do it?

  • It's totally wrong use of the function.

    Read BOL about correct ways to use it.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • What exactly are you trying to achieve?

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  • I was just trying to capture a result if there was data present. If I use @@Rowcount I usually do it like this:

    select ID from tTable Where....

    SET @RowCount = @@RowCount....

    What lead me to using it in the actual select statement was I didn't want to return a record set so I thought I'd try it like this:

    select @Rowcount = @@Rowcount from tTable Where....

    Which to my surprise did work as long as it wasn't in a proc.

    Right now I'm just capturing the ID like so:

    select @ID = ID from tTable Where ....

  • It's not supposed to work like that. It's supposed to be the very next statement after the select >> set @rc = @@ROWCOUNT.

    My guess is that in your query window you already have run a select statement and the variable is set instead of being null (or maybe 0 as default... not sure there).

  • Ninja,

    Yeah I normally do it like that but I just stumbled across this and decided to waste everyone's time posting I guess.

    But decided to run a quick test after you mentioned me using a prior select statement.

    Open up a new query window with no other select statements aside from the @@RowCount one:

    Declare @rc int

    select @rc = @@RowCount from tTablel Where ID = ????

    PRINT isnull(@RC,0)

    If your query does produce at least one row the @@RowCount will show 1.

    I ran a query which would return multiple rows and the row count was still only one. All other subsequent executions result in 0.

    Another completely useless discovery! Yaaaaa! 😀

    Okay, back to something important.

  • Maybe you should post as QOTD... nice piece of trivia!

  • Straight from BOL:

    Statements that make a simple assignment always set the @@ROWCOUNT value to 1. No rows are sent to the client. Examples of these statements are: SET @local_variable, RETURN, READTEXT, and select without query statements such as SELECT GETDATE() or SELECT 'Generic Text'.

    Basically, this would be the case for "select @Rowcount = @@Rowcount from tTable". It turns a query into a variable assignment leading to the return value 1. The original value of

    @@Rowcount is replaced by the pre-defined value of 1 for a variable assignment.

    Regarding the subsequent return value Zero: it's most probably caused by the missign initialization. As soon as the code is changed to

    Declare @rc int

    select @rc = NULL

    select @rc = @@RowCount from tTablel Where ID = ????

    PRINT isnull(@RC,0)

    The return value is consistent.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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