Job Status

  • HI All

    CAn someone help me with the following?

    To see how long a job has run, you usually view its View Job History. Is there maybe a script that shows how long a job; that has been started, runs? It's current run time...




  • just look at the sysjobhistory tables u will find the step wise details of the job. the sttus, start time, runtime, next start time. etc

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi

    Yes, but I want to know if there is a way to see the current run time of a job while it is executing. Like if I start the job and someone asks me how long its been running.... is there a way to view it?


  • Maybe query the sys.sysprocesses view?

    Looks like someone might have built a solution to what you're asking at:


  • The following script gives you the details with step execution times...

    You can modify based on your needs...

    select step_name,'run_date'= cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),  

    'run_time'= replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),

    'run_datetime' = left(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),4)+'/'

      +substring(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),5,2)+'/'

      +right(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),2)+' '

      +left(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),2)+':'

      +substring(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),3,2)+':'

      +right(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),2),

    --run_duration = cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)),

    run_duration_InSeconds = case

     when (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) < 3) 

      then cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6))

     WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 3) 

      then LEFT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),1) * 60   --min

       + RIGHT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2)  --sec

     WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 4) 

      then LEFT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2) * 60   --min

       + RIGHT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2)  --sec

     WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) >= 5) 

      then (Left(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)),len(h.run_duration)-4)) * 3600     --hour

       +(substring(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)) , len(h.run_duration)-3, 2)) * 60 --min

       + Right(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)) , 2)     --sec

     end from msdb..sysjobhistory h where job_id =

    (select job_id from msdb..sysjobs where name = 'job name')


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • THANK YOU Mohammed



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