I badly need to insert filename along with data in DTS and am losing the battle

  • This is something that I was wondering how to do a couple of years ago, but now find myself in a crunch to get this done.

    I am trying to assign a column in the destination table the value of the file that the data is coming from. So far, no luck, even with what I scanned so far online. Any help would be appreciated? Please email me directly as well. Thanks.

    outer package


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    'Const DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection = 256

    Dim oPKG

    Dim i, cn

    Dim sFolder

    sFolder = "e:\efi\"

    Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s, fname

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set f = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)

    Set fc = f.Files

    For Each f1 in fc

    Set oPKG = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer ".", , , 256, , , , "test_text"

    Set cn = oPKG.Connections("Connection 1")

    cn.DataSource = sFolder & f1.name

    DTSGlobalVariables("sFilename") =f1.name

    'fname = f1.name

    'msgbox oPKG.GlobalVariables("sFilename")



    Set oPKG = Nothing


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    'Inner package transformation


    ' Visual Basic Transformation Script


    ' Copy each source column to the destination column

    Function Main()

    DTSDestination("VendorNum") = DTSSource("Col001")

    DTSDestination("vendorName") = DTSSource("Col002")

    DTSDestination("OrderUOM") = DTSSource("Col003")

    DTSDestination("CommCode") = DTSSource("Col004")

    DTSDestination("poNum") = DTSSource("Col005")

    DTSDestination("poLine") = DTSSource("Col006")

    DTSDestination("PartNum") = DTSSource("Col007")

    DTSDestination("Buyer") = DTSSource("Col008")

    DTSDestination("CurrCode") = DTSSource("Col009")

    DTSDestination("OrderDate") = DTSSource("Col010")

    DTSDestination("RecDate") = DTSSource("Col011")

    DTSDestination("PaidDate") = DTSSource("Col012")

    DTSDestination("ReqDate") = DTSSource("Col013")

    DTSDestination("InvoiceDate") = DTSSource("Col014")

    DTSDestination("OrderQty") = DTSSource("Col015")

    DTSDestination("RecvdQty") = DTSSource("Col016")

    DTSDestination("ActPrice") = DTSSource("Col017")

    DTSDestination("StdPrice") = DTSSource("Col018")

    DTSDestination("CostCtr") = DTSSource("Col019")

    DTSDestination("PoClosed") = DTSSource("Col020")

    DTSDestination("PlantAdd1") = DTSSource("Col021")

    DTSDestination("PlantAdd2") = DTSSource("Col022")

    DTSDestination("PlantCity") = DTSSource("Col023")

    DTSDestination("PlantState") = DTSSource("Col024")

    DTSDestination("PlantZip") = DTSSource("Col025")

    DTSDestination("Div") = DTSSource("Col026")

    DTSDestination("VendorAdd1") = DTSSource("Col027")

    DTSDestination("VendorAdd2") = DTSSource("Col028")

    DTSDestination("VendorCity") = DTSSource("Col029")

    DTSDestination("VendorState") = DTSSource("Col030")

    DTSDestination("VendorZip") = DTSSource("Col031")

    DTSDestination("AccptdQty") = DTSSource("Col032")

    DTSDestination("RejctdQty") = DTSSource("Col033")

    DTSDestination("PartDescription") = DTSSource("Col034")

    DTSDestination("TotalAmountPaid") = DTSSource("Col035")

    DTSDestination("DscntPerct") = DTSSource("Col036")

    DTSDestination("DscntDays") = DTSSource("Col037")

    DTSDestination("StockUOM") = DTSSource("Col038")

    DTSDestination("UOMConv") = DTSSource("Col039")

    DTSDestination("PPVGLAccountNumber") = DTSSource("Col040")

    DTSDestination("PPVQty") = DTSSource("Col041")

    DTSDestination("EntryDate") = DTSSource("Col042")

    DTSDestination("filename") = DTSGlobalVariables("sFilename").value

    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

  • I've encountered problems when trying to set variables of a package that I'm executing, wonder if you're having the same problem? There is a problem in DTS that surfaces when dealing with package variables, such that you must delete and then re-add the variables to the package. It looks like you might be having the same problem here.

    You might try, in your Main() code, deleting the sFileName variable from the package, and then re-adding it with code. IIRC, the Package object has a "GlobalVariables" collection with a Remove() method...and there's a AddGlobalVariable() method that lets you re-add a variable back to the collection. Basically, Remove() the variable (by its name) and then just AddGlobalVariable() to put it right back with the value you want.

    Sorry I don't have any more info, but check Books Online for the above methods. I have code but it's in C# so don't know how helpful that'll be.



  • Thanks. I forgot to delete this from the system, but I solved it.

    oPKG.GlobalVariables("sFilename") worked

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