Dialog box

  • [p]I have SQL Server 2005 Ent. SP4 - 3 instancies on the same server - Windows 2003 32 Bit. On one of the SQL Server instancies I have problem with debugging.[/p]

    [p]In Server Explorer (Visual Studio 2005) I find the name of the object to be debugged by opening the database node, and then the appropriate folder... Double-click the object's file name to load the code into the Text Editor. Then I can right-click the object name, and on the shortcut menu, I can click Step into <object type> to step into the object with the debugger.[/p]

    [p]The stored procedure requires some parameters, but a dialog box (with a table containing a row for each parameter) does not appears on one of the SQL Server instancies. I can attach to the process sucessfully, but I cannot see a dialog box for a parameters (another instancies are OK).[/p]

    [p]How do I force a dialog box with a table containing a row for each parameter? Thanks![/p]

  • can you check the version of the instance you are connecting to? it might be that that instance is, say RTM, but your client tools are using SP4 or something, or vice versa, and that is why the debugging is not consistent for each connection; that'd be the first thing i'd check.


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  • Lowell (1/23/2011)

    can you check the version of the instance you are connecting to? it might be that that instance is, say RTM, but your client tools are using SP4 or something, or vice versa, and that is why the debugging is not consistent for each connection; that'd be the first thing i'd check.

    All the instancies are 9.00.5000.00 (also SSMS) 🙁

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