Deplying CLR Stored procedure

  • HI,

    How can i deploy the CLR Stored procedure to production i.e., different server.



  • create your assembly in your production database using the below statement.Build your project and copy your .dll to your prod server .

    CREATE ASSEMBLY sqlcrlProcName from 'C:\CLRProcFiles\SQLProc.dll' with PERMISSION_SET = SAFE

    to enable CLR feature in your database :

    use master


    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '1';


    EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled' , '1' ;


    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '0';


  • additinally, since you've deployed it on one server already, you can actually script them out as a binary blob and install them via a script...the script may load slow as hell when you open it in SSMS, because teh binary string is thousands of characters long, but it works:


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