Change Access Query into SQL Server SP

  • Hi all,

    Could some one help me code this query which i got from access and want to have it as a stored procedure on SQL Server.

    Here is the code from the query:

    ActDate: Switch([timestart]<=#1:00:00 AM#,[Date]-1,True,[Date])

    What I did understand from this is >> if TimeStart is less than or equal to 1:00:00 AM the subtract 1 from Date, else Date, and return it AS ActDate.

    as a new SQL Server user, i found this really challenging for me, so that why i need your help !!

    I can't create this in views because it actually take parameters.

  • You'll prbably need the CASE expression.


    'ActDate' =

  • Sorry sent the last reply off too soon.

    You'll probably need the CASE expression.


    (TimeStart datetime)

    INSERT INTO #TEST VALUES ('2010-05-10 00:30:00')

    INSERT INTO #TEST VALUES ('2010-05-10 14:30:00')


    'ActDate' =


    WHEN DATEPART(hour, TimeStart) <= 1 THEN getdate()-1

    ELSE getdate()




  • thanks emily for the reply,,

    but i wanted to know how would i write the code for the if statement itself,, i mean ,, TimeStart is a datetime field, how would i tell SQL to look into the time and if it is less than or equil to one 1 AM ,,,, i want to know how to code this part

    "if TimeStart is less than or equal to 1:00:00 AM"


  • Thanks emily,, it did work 🙂

  • In SQL Server 2005 a datetime field contains both date and time.

    So this will extract the hour out of a datetime field-DATEPART(hour,Timestart)

    Are you trying to control the flow of code execution in your stored procedure?

    DECLARE @TimeStart datetime

    SET @TimeStart = '2010-05-10 00:30:00'

    PRINT @TimeStart

    IF DATEPART(hour, @TimeStart) < = 1


    PRINT 'its before 1AM'




    PRINT 'its after 1AM'


    Or are you including this logic in a WHERE statement?

    When you say less than 1 AM are you looking at both date and time or are you just concerned with the time.

    Maybe you need the following to always returm 1 Am of the current date.

    SELECT dateadd(hour,1, datediff(dd,0,getdate()))

    You need to better describe what you are tyring to accomplish.

    Read this also

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