June 28, 2006 at 1:59 am
i have an xml file say abc.xml with schema defined in the file only. Problem is how to overcome file size limitation
the code below will work best for small documents (< 8000 bytes).
how to overcome this .
I came to know that the workaround is available in the book The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML (chapter 15, page 449). But couldn't access this book.
Explained the procedure i followed below. U need to see the page source of html page to get the proper format of xml file
Below is the content in the file
This is how i handled it
Made tables in the database
create table reseller (qd varchar(50),company_name varchar(50),[user_name] varchar(50),customer_company_name varchar(50))
create table customer (company_name varchar(50),serial varchar(50))
create table claim_info (serial varchar(50),partnumber varchar(50),invoice varchar(50),invoicedate varchar(50))
create table company_info (company_name varchar(50),address1 varchar(50)
,address2 varchar(50),city varchar(50),state varchar(50),zip varchar(50))
create table user_info ([user_name] varchar(50),[user_id] varchar(50),phone varchar(50)
,email varchar(50),ip_address varchar(50))
Below is the code which takes datafrom xml file and inserts into database tables
-- Let's now first read the XML file into a temporary table
-- Create temporary table first
CREATE TABLE #tmpFileLines (rowID int IDENTITY, lineData nvarchar(255))
-- Insert lines from files into temp table (using xp_cmdshell)
INSERT #tmpFileLines EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'TYPE c:\abcd.xml'
DECLARE @strXMLText nvarchar(4000)
-- Reading the XML data from the table into a string variable
-- This string variable is used with OPENXML
SELECT @strXMLText =
ISNULL(RTRIM(lineData), '')
@strXMLText + ISNULL(RTRIM(lineData), '')
FROM #tmpFileLines ORDER BY rowID ASC
PRINT '-------------------------------'
PRINT 'Bytes read from the file:'
PRINT '-------------------------------'
DROP TABLE #tmpFileLines
--Preparing for calling OPENXML
DECLARE @hDoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @strXMLText
--Inserting using OPENXML
/************Company info****************************************/
INSERT INTO [company_info]([company_name], [address1], [city], [state], [zip])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/company_info', 2)
with (company_name nvarchar(255),
address1 nvarchar(255),
city nvarchar(255),
state nvarchar(255),
zip nvarchar(255))
/******************Company Info****************************/
INSERT INTO [company_info]([company_name], [address1], [address2], [city], [state], [zip])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/customer/company_info', 2)
with (company_name nvarchar(255),
address1 nvarchar(255),
address2 nvarchar(255),
city nvarchar(255),
state nvarchar(255),
zip nvarchar(255))
INSERT INTO [claim_info]([serial], [partnumber], [invoice], [invoicedate])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/customer/claim_info', 2)
with (serial nvarchar(255),
partnumber nvarchar(255),
invoice nvarchar(255),
invoicedate nvarchar(255)
INSERT INTO [reseller]([qd], [company_name], [user_name], [customer_company_name])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/customer', 2)
with (qd nvarchar(255) '../qd',
company_name nvarchar(255) '../company_info/company_name',
[user_name] nvarchar(255) '../user_info/user_name',
customer_company_name nvarchar(255) 'company_info/company_name'
INSERT INTO [customer]([company_name], [serial])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/customer', 2)
with (
customer_company_name nvarchar(255) 'company_info/company_name',
serial nvarchar(255) 'claim_info/serial'
/******************User Info****************************/
INSERT INTO [user_info]([user_name], [user_id], [phone], , [ip_address])
FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/claim_submission/reseller/user_info', 2)
with (user_name nvarchar(255),
user_id nvarchar(255),
phone nvarchar(255),
email nvarchar(255),
ip_address nvarchar(255)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc
this code will work best for small documents (< 8000 bytes).
how to overcome this
June 28, 2006 at 6:22 am
You've not really explained what it is you're trying to do, but maybe these links will help...?
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
July 3, 2006 at 2:36 am
I understood what arvinder saying, because I am also facing the same problem! He is taken that code from http://www.perfectxml.com/articles/xml/importxmlsql.asp
The maximum characters that you can pass while working in query analyzer is 8000 characters (varchar limit). This is the problem.
XML parsing error: The following tags were not closed: book, DATE.
Bytes read from the file:
I am trying to work on the 'OPENXML and External XML File' This code works only for small xml files, because it takes only 8000 bytes(DECLARE @strXMLText nvarchar(4000)) It wont support more than 4000. I have more than 1million records to update to sqlserver so it gives me error.
Anyone knows to increase varchar llimit?
July 3, 2006 at 10:34 am
The other link I posted said: "Drop it in the too hard basket - I'm going to do it another way....". You might, therefore, both be out of luck!
I recall seeing an article on the web that I thought dealt with this, but I can't find it for the life of me. Maybe I dreamt it. Sorry
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
October 19, 2006 at 1:49 pm
here's microsoft's solution:
hope it helps...........
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