self Join issue

  • Hi,

    I have following result set,

    empid activitytype noOfHrs

    162599 Billable 6

    162599 NonBillable 1

    184854 Billable 41.5

    184854 NonBillable 37.5

    188557 Billable 1

    I want to generate report in this format-:

    empid billable nonbillable total

    162599 6 1 7

    184854 41.5 37.5 79

    188557 1 0 1

    For this I am writing following query-:

    select a.empid,a.[No of hrs] 'billable',b.[No of hrs] 'nonbillable' from

    testTiemsheet a, testTiemsheet b

    where a.empid=b.empid and a.activitytype='Billable' and b.activitytype='NonBillable'

    But result I am getting is-:

    empid billable nonbillable total

    162599 6 1 7

    184854 41.5 37.5 79

    It is missing 188557 as it is not having activitytype as ‘nonbillable’ [ref. first table, only ‘billable’ is there].

    Could you please help me out in this?

  • SELECT empid

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN activitytype = 'Billable' THEN noOfHrs END), 0) AS Billable

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN activitytype = 'NonBillable' THEN noOfHrs END), 0) AS NonBillable

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,SUM(noOfHrs) AS Total

    FROM testTiemsheet

    GROUP BY empid

  • Thanks a lot. That helped. 🙂

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