insert an array of user data into database

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to insert serveral rows of data into a table using store procedure, but don't know how to pass an array of data from to sql database, The while loop is trying to insert different dependent data into table.

    CREATE PROCEDURE add_dependent

    @numdep int

    @txntime datetime=NULL,

    @FName varchar(50),

    @MI char(1),

    @lname varchar(50),

    @ssn varchar(11),

    @sex char(1)=NULL,

    @orderDetailsID int=NULL,

    @dpssn varchar(11)


    Declare i int=0

    -- Execute the INSERT statement.

    while i< numdep


    INSERT INTO Dependents

    (txndatetime, fname, MI, lname,ssn, sex,OrderDetailsID, dependentssn) values

    (@txntime,@fname,@mi,@lname,@ssn,@sex, @orderDetailsID,@dpssn)

    -- Test the error value.

    IF @@ERROR <> 0


        -- Return 99 to the calling program to indicate failure.

        PRINT 'An error occurred inserting the new dependt information'

        Goto error:




        -- Return 0 to the calling program to indicate success.

        PRINT 'The new dependent information has been loaded'

        set i=i+1




    Error: Rollback transaction

  • Do you want to pass an array? like exec  'ACJG,12547896,2006/01/01' comma or something seperated.

    Then your stored proc must be like this

    CREATE PROCEDURE add_dependent

    @incomming_array varchar(255)


    Working with arrays IMHO should be avoided in SQL as it "OVERCOMPLICATES" your stored proc. (I do it when the front end must)

    Do do you want to pass parameters as in your stored proc ? like exec  'ACJG','12547896','2006/01/01'



  • In your code, loop through your array and call the stored procedure for each row.

  • you could make it intresting by using xml an xml file with the data using a stored proc.

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Hi all,

    Thanks all for your postings, that's a great help to me.

    Yesterday, I googled for a while, then an article gave me an idea,just like jordanac mentioned that I can pass a string with some format like "fname1, lastname1,ssn1,sex1; fname2, lastname2, ssn,2sex2;..."

    then parse each person's information through ";" and each column's information through ",", a little bit complicated. Probably in code, Maybe loop through array and call store procedure is a better way. Don't know much about xml.


  • there is no better time to know about xml than now.

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Bledu,

    Can you provide more information, link or article about xml.




    hope it helps

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • If you get to the point you feel you need to write some sort of looping structure you're probably going to be better off keeping that part of it in your ASP.Net code.

    If it is a large number of entries, you may be better served by inserting them into an XML file and simply submitting that to the proc as someone suggested above.


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