ADO recordset not properly open when update followed by select in Stored Procedure

  • When calling a staored procedure from C++ code using ADO, the recordset only seems to behave properly if there has been no update in the stored procedure before the select statement returns the recordset. Here is the SP (abbreviated)


    INSERT INTO [CollectionContent]([CollectionID],

    [LinenProductCode], etc...

    SELECT [CollectionID], [LinenProductCode], etc..

    FROM [LBaseArchive].[dbo].[CollectionContent]

    where CollectionID = @collid

    select @Error = @@ERROR

    if @Error <> 0


    print 'Error transferring content'

    select 2 as Status



    select 0 as Status


    I know that the SP is returning 0 because the insert statement is being performed correctly.

    Here is the ADO code:



    pRecordset->CursorLocation = adUseClient;

    HRESULT hropen = pRecordset->Open ((IDispatch *) pCommand, vtMissing, adOpenForwardOnly,

    adLockOptimistic, adCmdStoredProc);

    _variant_t vData;

    pRecordset->MoveFirst(); // returns error here, even though hropen is = S_OK

    while (!pRecordset->GetadoEOF ())


    vData = pRecordset->GetCollect ("Status");

    nInt = (int) vData.iVal;

    nStatus = nInt;


    pRecordset->MoveNext ();


    pRecordset->Close ();


    catch( _com_error &e )




  • You might want to read:

    Adjusting Transaction Isolation Levels


    And consider adding a BEGIN TRANSACTION - END TRANSACTION for your update statement.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Try putting SET NOCOUNT ON in your proc before the update.

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