Returning @@rowcount to

  • I have a sproc that does an insert. All i want to do is return the # of rows affected so after the the insert i "select @@rowcount", returning 1, for the one inserted row. Works fine in QA. Run the sproc from the web, using my app and the return value is 4! Am I completely off on something i'm doing or has anyone else run into this before?

    Sproc Code:


    @userid varchar(25)



    declare @result int

    update logins

    set Reg = 'Y'

    where (userid = @userid)

    select @@rowcount

  • The answer is you are probably updating 4 rows in production. Run the query below on both production and QA.

    Select Count(*)

    From logins

    Where userid = 'the_userid_passsed_when_sproc_was_called'

  • Checked that. Not the case. Thanks though!

  • Are you sure you have the right proc as the one above is an update and the first message talks abount an insert!

  • Ha! Excellent catch! I mis-typed my first message. The code is calling the sproc for the update. Sorry about the confusion.

  • So all is OK?

  • no, still no resolution

  • Both qa and production return 1 when you run count(*)? What do you get when you run the update outside the proc? Is there more to the proc than posted?

  • that's the whole proc. Userid is unique via a constraint set on the column. The update works ok in either place, it's just that from the web it returns 4 instead of 1. Thanks

  • Last question! If you execute the procedure from query analyzer on qa and production, what is returned from the procedure?

  • Are you sure that is the entire proc?  Why are you declaring a variable called @result?

  • Result from Query Analyzer is 1.

    Sorry, @result was leftover from when i was going to use an output parameter. Haven't gotten around to cleaning the code up yet since it isn't working

  • Think i found it. I was doing an ExecuteNonQuery when i should have been doing ExecuteScalar in my aspx page. Thanks for the help guys!

  • If you have not set "nocount", "on", within the SP, then you are getting 2 record sets returned when you are expecting 1.

  • I consider it a best practice thing to ALWAYS name your result columns and use column names to refer to the columns in your client-side code.

    EG.  You could have

    select @@rowcount as cnt

    Then in your client code, rather then getting fields(1).value you should get fields('cnt').value - this would have found your problem for you straight away as the field 'cnt' would not have existed...

    I bet you feel better - it's nice to find that you are not crazy!!   Hunting for bugs like that is not fun

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