Finding position in a string

  • I'm hoping someone out there can figure out how to do this.  I have a column that is varchar (300) that contains a string that represents special order information for product.  Here are some examples of the data:




    F49-000 BAL:4743 64 FINISH_STD:ES

    What I need to do is search through the string, find the placement of the "BAL" and then do a substring to pull back the information from the starting position of BAL.  In the examples above, the output would be:


    BAL:2199 42

    BAL:10010 32

    BAL:4743 64


    I would also like to parse out cushion, finish_std, etc.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Use the charindex() function to find the starting position of the string, example:

    declare @string varchar(100)

    set @string = 'F49-000 BAL:4743 64 FINISH_STD:ES'

    select charindex ('bal', @string)



    And use this information and put a substring() function around the charindex code and use the output from charindex as the starting point for the substring.

  • Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dense, but I don't see how charindex will work.  I need to search all of the rows where the starting position may change based on the data in that row.

  • You can use charindex on a column as well to fin the position of a string. Then you can use that information to manipulate the data as needed.

  • So basically, (if I understand correctly...have never used charindex before) if the column is named specorderinfo then:


    select substring(charindex('BAL',specorderinfo)1,12)


    Or something close to that?

  • Not quite... check out the books online for the correct syntax.

  • I have been able to get the following but cannot figure out how to get the substring to work:


    select orderid, productid, charindex('BAL',VendorModelNbr)as 'StartPos', vendormodelnbr

    from orderitem

    where writtendate = '01-Sep-05'

    and vendorid = '50R'



    orderid     productid     startpos

    2912498273 50R9256LSE-SO 0 9256-000

    2922498653 50RF710S-SO 11 F710S-000 BAL:1226 88 TP:1226 88 CW:1226 88 FRINGE_STD:NONE

    2932498997 50RC750-SO 10 C750-000 BAL:2898 04 CUSHIONDLM ARM_SHIELD:N TP:2898 04 FINISH_STD:ES FRINGE_STD:NONE

    Even reading through bol I am unsure how I should phrase the syntax to get the substring starting at BAL and ending after 12 digits.

  • using rsharma's's how you would use the substring...

    declare @string varchar(100)
    set @string = 'F49-000 BAL:4743 64 FINISH_STD:ES'
    select charindex ('bal', @string)
    select substring(@string, charindex('bal', @string), 11)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • and.......

    if the number of digits following BAL is variable then

    select substring(@string, charindex('bal', @string), patindex('%[a-z]%',substring(@string, charindex('bal', @string)+4, len(@string)))+3)

    as for the rest of the parsing we will need for accurate definition of the data and how that data is separated

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Okay the girl is brain dead (it is Friday!)........!!!!


    I need to know how in the syntax to use the column name to find "bal" in not just to find a set string.  Ie: if I use:

    declare @string varchar(100)

    set @string = 'F49-000 BAL:4743 64 FINISH_STD:ES'

    select charindex ('bal', @string)

    select substring(@string, charindex('bal', @string), 11)

    from orderitem

    where writtendate = '01-sep-05'




  • select substring(ColumnName, charindex('bal', ColumnName), 11)

    from orderitem

    where writtendate = '01-sep-05'

  • You are wonderful!  Thank you so much, and have a great weekend!

  • ha David - another one for remi! Not that anyone's keeping tabs!!!

    btw:which of the 2 avatars you've posted so far is "more you" ?!?! hard to tell the difference!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • quoteha David - another one for remi! Not that anyone's keeping tabs!!!

    Yeah as always Always comes good at the end

    quotebtw:which of the 2 avatars you've posted so far is "more you" ?!?! hard to tell the difference!

    Definately this one, just like me

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • "Always comes good at the end" that the voice of a sore loser ?!?! If you've noticed - Remi stepped in with a very weary tread - none of the bounce & vigour of "ye olde days"...

    as for your new persona - "just like me" - is he "laid back" or "jumping for joy"...can't tell from this distance..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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