help with a script causing locking and blocking

  • The following script is used to collect data for the SQL Environment Report, and it has caused some locking and blocking issues on some of the SQL Servers. I need to look at this script and make suggestions for improvement. One very important requirement for this task is that WITH NOLOCK is added wherever possible throughout the entire script. Another important requirement is to pinpoint the location(s) of where locking and blocking is occurring and rewrite the corresponding SQL. This is a very import script and you need to be very thorough.

    The Script:

    USE master


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SQL_Server_Env]'))

    drop table SQL_Server_Env

    DECLARE @MaxDegParallelism int,

    @MinSQLServerMemory int,

    @MaxSQLServerMemory int,

    @AWEEnabled int,

    @SQLServerAgent varchar(50),

    @MSDTC varchar(50),

    @ProcessorCount varchar(50),

    @ActiveNode char (50),

    @OSRevision varchar (50) ,

    @OSName varchar (50) ,

    @Domain varchar(50),

    @OSType varchar (50),

    @CurrentVersion varchar(50),

    @PhysicalMemory varchar(50),

    @Env varchar(50),

    @AppName varchar(50),

    @dba-2 varchar(50),

    @Node1 char (16),

    @Node2 char (16)

    SELECT @Env = Env, @AppName = AppName, @dba-2 = DBA FROM DBA

    CREATE TABLE #xp_servicecontrol(

    Value varchar(50))

    CREATE TABLE #xp_msver(

    index_value int NULL,

    Name nvarchar(50) NULL,

    Internal_Value int NULL,

    Character_Value nvarchar(500) NULL)

    CREATE TABLE #xp_regread(

    index_value nvarchar(500) NULL,

    index_value2 nvarchar(500) NULL,

    Data nvarchar(500) NULL)

    select @MaxDegParallelism = value from sysconfigures where config = 1539

    select @MinSQLServerMemory = value from sysconfigures where config = 1543

    select @MaxSQLServerMemory = value from sysconfigures where config = 1544

    select @AWEEnabled = value from sysconfigures where config = 1548

    INSERT INTO #xp_servicecontrol

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol 'QUERYSTATE', 'SQLServerAgent'

    SELECT @SQLServerAgent = Value FROM #xp_servicecontrol

    DELETE FROM #xp_servicecontrol

    INSERT INTO #xp_servicecontrol

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol 'QUERYSTATE', 'MSDTC'

    SELECT @MSDTC = Value FROM #xp_servicecontrol

    DELETE FROM #xp_servicecontrol

    INSERT INTO #xp_msver

    EXECUTE xp_msver 'PhysicalMemory'

    INSERT INTO #xp_msver

    EXECUTE xp_msver 'ProcessorCount'

    SELECT @ProcessorCount = convert(varchar(50),Internal_Value) from #xp_msver Where index_value = 16

    SELECT @PhysicalMemory = convert(varchar(50),Internal_Value) from #xp_msver Where index_value = 19

    INSERT INTO #xp_regread

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions','ProductSuite'

    SELECT TOP 1 @OSType = index_value2 FROM #xp_regread

    DELETE FROM #xp_regread

    IF (ServerProperty('IsClustered') = 1 )


    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName','ComputerName',@ActiveNode OUTPUT

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'CLUSTER\Nodes\1','NodeName',@Node1 OUTPUT

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'CLUSTER\Nodes\2','NodeName',@Node2 OUTPUT

    SELECT @ActiveNode = @ActiveNode + ' (' + @Node1+ '/' +@Node2 +')'


    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion', 'CSDVersion', @OSRevision OUTPUT

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentVersion', @CurrentVersion OUTPUT

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion', 'ProductName', @OSName OUTPUT

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon', 'DefaultDomainName', @Domain OUTPUT

    declare @ip varchar(40)

    Declare @ipLine varchar(200)

    Declare @pos int

    Declare @pos2 int

    set nocount on

    set @ip = NULL

    Create table #tempip (ipLine varchar(200))

    Declare @SQLStmt nvarchar(100)

    SET @SQLStmt = 'Insert #tempip exec master..xp_cmdshell ' + ''''+ 'ping -l 1 -n 1 ' + convert(varchar(20), ServerProperty('machineName') )+ ''''

    exec sp_executesql @SQLStmt

    select @ipLine = ipLine

    from #tempip

    where upper (ipLine) like '%PINGING%'

    if (isnull (@ipLine,'***') != '***')


    set @pos = CharIndex ('[',@ipLine,1);

    set @pos2 = CharIndex (']',@ipLine,1);

    set @ip = rtrim(ltrim(substring (@ipLine , @pos + 1 , @pos2 - @pos - 1)))



    @Env Env,

    CASE WHEN @ip like '10.49.%' THEN 'OLD PROD/QA'

    WHEN @ip like '10.5.%' THEN 'QA'

    WHEN @ip like '10.4.%' THEN 'PROD'

    WHEN @ip like '10.6.%' THEN 'DURHAM'

    WHEN @ip like '10.48.%' THEN 'Dev/Test'

    ELSE 'Unknown IP'


    @AppName AppName,

    @dba-2 DBA,

    ServerProperty('ServerName') ServerName,

    ServerProperty('MachineName') VirtualName,

    ServerProperty('InstanceName') InstanceName,

    isnull(@ip, '') IPAddress,

    @@Servername SQLServerName,

    ISNULL(@ActiveNode, convert(char(50), ServerProperty('MachineName'))) ActiveNode,

    CASE WHEN ServerProperty('IsClustered') = 1 THEN 'Is Clustered' ELSE 'Not Clustered' END IsClustered,

    @Domain Domain,

    @OSName OSName,

    @OSType OSType,

    @CurrentVersion OSVersion,

    @OSRevision OSRevision,

    ServerProperty('Edition') SQLEdition,

    ServerProperty('ProductLevel') SQLProductLevel,

    ServerProperty('ProductVersion') SQLProductVersion,

    @ProcessorCount ProcessorCount,

    @PhysicalMemory PhysicalMemory,

    convert(varchar(50), @MinSQLServerMemory) MinSQLServerMemory_MB,

    convert(varchar(50), @MaxSQLServerMemory) MaxSQLServerMemory_MB,

    CASE WHEN @AWEEnabled = 1 THEN 'AWE Enabled' ELSE 'AWE Disabled' END AWEEnabled,

    CASE WHEN ServerProperty('IsFullTextInstalled') = 1 THEN 'Full-text is installed' ELSE 'Full-text is not installed' END IsFullTextInstalled,

    --CASE WHEN ServerProperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') = 1 THEN 'Integrated security' ELSE 'Not Integrated security' END IsIntegratedSecurityOnly,

    ServerProperty('LicenseType') LicenseType,

    convert(varchar(50), ServerProperty('NumLicenses')) NumLicenses,

    convert(varchar(50), @MaxDegParallelism) MaxDegParallelism,

    @SQLServerAgent SQLServerAgent,


    getdate() [Timestamp]

    INTO SQL_Server_Env

    DROP TABLE #xp_servicecontrol

    DROP TABLE #xp_msver

    DROP TABLE #xp_regread

    DROP TABLE #tempip


    USE master


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SQL_Server_Devices]'))

    drop table SQL_Server_Devices

    DECLARE @dbname sysname,

    @dbid varchar(10),

    @SQLCmd NVARCHAR(4000),

    @ActiveNode char (16),

    @SQLServername varchar(50),

    @dbowner varchar(50),

    @cmptlevel varchar(10),

    @Env varchar(50),

    @AppName varchar(50),

    @dba-2 varchar(50)

    SELECT @Env = Env, @AppName = AppName, @dba-2 = DBA FROM DBA

    SET @dbname = ' '

    SET @dbname = (SELECT MIN(name) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases)

    SELECT @dbid = dbid, @dbowner = ISNULL(SUSER_Sname(sid),'NULL'), @cmptlevel = cmptlevel FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname

    SET @SQLServername = convert(varchar(50), ServerProperty('Servername'))

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Computername\ActiveComputername','Computername',@ActiveNode OUTPUT

    CREATE TABLE #Databaseinfo


    Environment varchar(50),

    Applicationname varchar(50),

    DBA varchar(50),

    SQLServername varchar(50),

    ActiveNode char (16),

    [Database] sysname,

    [DBID] varchar(10),

    [DeviceType] VARCHAR (10),

    [Filename] VARCHAR (30),

    [FilePath] VARCHAR (100),

    [size_MB] DECIMAL(15, 2),

    [Filegrowth] int,

    [FilegrowthType] VARCHAR(50),

    [Autogrowth] VARCHAR(50),

    dbOwner varchar(50),

    cmptlevel varchar(10)


    WHILE @dbname IS NOT NULL



    ''' + @Env + ''' [Env],

    ''' + @AppName + ''' [AppName],

    ''' + @dba-2 + ''' [DBA],

    ''' + @SQLServername + ''' [SQLServername],

    ''' + @ActiveNode + ''' [ActiveNode],

    ''' + @dbname + ''' [Database],

    ''' + @dbid + ''' [DBID],

    CASE WHEN sf.groupid = 0 THEN ''Log '' ELSE ''Data'' END AS [DeviceType]

    ,CAST(rtrim( AS varchar(30))AS [Filename]

    ,CAST(sf.filename AS varchar(100))AS [FilePath]

    ,CAST(sf.size/128.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [size_MB]

    ,CASE WHEN (sf.status & 0x100000) > 0 THEN LTRIM(STR(sf.growth)) ELSE STR(sf.growth/128) END AS [File growth]

    ,CASE WHEN (sf.status & 0x100000) > 0 THEN ''Percent'' ELSE ''MB'' END AS [FilegrowthType]

    ,CASE WHEN sf.growth = 0 THEN ''None'' ELSE ''Unrestricted'' END AS [Autogrowth]

    ,''' + @dbowner + ''' [DBOwner]

    ,''' + @cmptlevel + ''' [CmptLevel]

    FROM [' + @dbname + ']..sysfiles sf left outer join sysfilegroups sfg

    on sf.groupid = sfg.groupid


    INSERT INTO #Databaseinfo

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmd

    IF @dbname IS NULL BREAK

    SELECT @dbname = MIN(name) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name > @dbname

    SELECT @dbid = dbid, @dbowner = ISNULL(SUSER_Sname(sid),'NULL'), @cmptlevel = cmptlevel FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname


    --SELECT * FROM #Databaseinfo

    SELECT Environment,Applicationname, DBA,SQLServername, ActiveNode,[Database],DBID,DeviceType, [Filename],FilePath, convert(varchar(50),size_MB)size_MB,convert(varchar(50),[Filegrowth]) Filegrowth,FilegrowthType, Autogrowth,dbOwner, cmptlevel, getdate() [Timestamp]

    INTO SQL_Server_Devices

    FROM #Databaseinfo

    DROP Table #Databaseinfo


    USE master


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SQL_Server_Drives]'))

    drop table SQL_Server_Drives

    DECLARE @hr int

    DECLARE @fso int

    DECLARE @drive char(1)

    DECLARE @odrive int

    DECLARE @TotalSize varchar(20)

    DECLARE @Env varchar(50)

    DECLARE @AppName varchar(50)

    DECLARE @dba-2 varchar(50)

    DECLARE @ActiveNode char (16)

    DECLARE @MB bigint ; SET @MB = 1048576

    SELECT @Env = Env, @AppName = AppName, @dba-2 = DBA FROM DBA

    exec master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName','ComputerName',@ActiveNode OUTPUT

    CREATE TABLE #drives (ServerName varchar(50) NULL,

    drive char(1) NULL,

    FreeSpace int NULL,

    TotalSize int NULL,

    FreespaceTimestamp DATETIME NULL)

    INSERT #drives(drive,FreeSpace)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

    EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso


    FOR SELECT drive from #drives

    ORDER by drive

    OPEN dcur

    FETCH NEXT FROM dcur INTO @drive



    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso,'Getdrive', @odrive OUT, @drive

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @odrive

    UPDATE #drives

    SET TotalSize=@TotalSize/@MB, ServerName = @@servername, FreespaceTimestamp = (GETDATE())

    WHERE drive=@drive

    FETCH NEXT FROM dcur INTO @drive


    CLOSE dcur


    EXEC @hr=sp_OADestroy @fso

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso


    @Env Env,

    @AppName AppName,

    @dba-2 DBA,


    @ActiveNode ActiveNode,


    CONVERT (varchar(50), TotalSize )as 'Total(MB)',

    CONVERT (varchar(50), FreeSpace )as 'Free(MB)',

    CONVERT (varchar(10), CAST((FreeSpace/(TotalSize*1.0))*100.0 as int)) as 'Free(%)',

    CONVERT (varchar(50), FreespaceTimestamp) FreeTimestamp

    into SQL_Server_Drives

    FROM #drives

    ORDER BY drive

    DROP TABLE #drives


    USE master


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SQL_Server_Jobs]'))

    drop table SQL_Server_Jobs



    @job_type VARCHAR(12) , -- LOCAL or MULTI-SERVER

    @owner_login_name sysname ,

    @subsystem NVARCHAR(40) ,

    @category_id INT ,

    @enabled TINYINT ,

    @execution_status INT , -- 0 = Not idle or suspended, 1 = Executing, 2 = Waiting For Thread, 3 = Between Retries, 4 = Idle, 5 = Suspended, [6 = WaitingForStepToFinish], 7 = PerformingCompletionActions

    @date_comparator CHAR(1) , -- >, < or =

    @date_created DATETIME ,

    @date_last_modified DATETIME ,

    @description NVARCHAR(512),

    @ServerId int,

    @is_sysadmin INT,

    @job_owner sysname,

    @SQLStmt varchar(1000),

    @Version decimal (2,1),

    @Env varchar(50),

    @AppName varchar(50),

    @dba-2 varchar(50)

    SELECT @Env = Env, @AppName = AppName, @dba-2 = DBA FROM DBA

    SET @job_id = NULL

    SET @job_type = NULL -- LOCAL or MULTI-SERVER

    SET @owner_login_name= NULL

    SET @subsystem = NULL

    SET @category_id = NULL

    SET @enabled = NULL

    SET @execution_status = NULL -- 0 = Not idle or suspended, 1 = Executing, 2 = Waiting For Thread, 3 = Between Retries, 4 = Idle, 5 = Suspended, [6 = WaitingForStepToFinish], 7 = PerformingCompletionActions

    SET @date_comparator = NULL -- >, < or =

    SET @date_created = NULL

    SET @date_last_modified = NULL

    SET @description = NULL -- We do a LIKE on this so it can include wildcards


    last_run_date INT NOT NULL,

    last_run_time INT NOT NULL,

    next_run_date INT NOT NULL,

    next_run_time INT NOT NULL,

    next_run_schedule_id INT NULL,

    requested_to_run INT NULL, -- BOOL

    request_source INT NULL,

    request_source_id sysname COLLATE database_default NULL,

    running INT NULL, -- BOOL

    current_step INT NULL,

    current_retry_attempt INT NULL,

    job_state INT NULL)

    SELECT @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)

    SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

    INSERT INTO #xp_results

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner, @job_id


    @Env Env,

    @AppName AppName,

    @dba-2 DBA,

    ServerProperty('ServerName') srvname,


    REPLACE(, '&', 'and') job_name,

    SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid) job_owner,

    CASE WHEN j.enabled = 1 THEN 'Enabled' ELSE 'DISABLED' END enabled,

    CASE WHEN js.last_run_outcome = 1 THEN 'Succeeded'

    WHEN js.last_run_outcome = 0 THEN 'FAILED'

    WHEN js.last_run_outcome = 3 THEN 'Cancelled'

    WHEN js.last_run_outcome = 4 THEN 'InProgress'

    WHEN js.last_run_outcome = 5 THEN 'Unknown'

    ELSE 'Unknown' END last_run_outcome_desc,

    CASE WHEN x.job_state = 4 THEN 'Idle'

    WHEN x.job_state = 1 THEN 'Running'

    WHEN x.job_state = 2 THEN 'BLOCKED'

    WHEN x.job_state = 5 THEN 'SUSPENDED'

    WHEN x.job_state = 3 THEN 'Retrying'

    WHEN x.job_state = 6 THEN 'Waiting On Step'

    WHEN x.job_state = 0 THEN 'Unknown'

    WHEN x.job_state = 7 THEN 'Logging'

    ELSE 'Unknown' END execution_status_desc,

    SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6),js.last_run_duration/1000000.00)),3,2)+':'+

    SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6),js.last_run_duration/1000000.00)),5,2)+':'+

    SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(10), convert(decimal(10,6),js.last_run_duration/1000000.00)),7,2) last_run_duration,

    CAST(js.last_run_date as varchar) as last_run_date,

    LEFT(CASE WHEN LEN(convert(varchar(10),(js.last_run_time/10000))) = 1 THEN '0' + convert(varchar(10),(js.last_run_time/10000)) ELSE convert(varchar(10),(js.last_run_time/10000)) END + ':'

    + replace(convert(varchar(10),(convert(decimal(15,2) ,js.last_run_time)/10000)- (js.last_run_time/10000)),'0.',''), 5) last_run_time,

    CAST(x.next_run_date as varchar) as next_run_date,

    LEFT(CASE WHEN LEN(convert(varchar(10),(x.next_run_time/10000))) = 1 THEN '0' + convert(varchar(10),(x.next_run_time/10000)) ELSE convert(varchar(10),(x.next_run_time/10000)) END + ':'

    + replace(convert(varchar(10),(convert(decimal(15,2) ,x.next_run_time)/10000)- (x.next_run_time/10000)),'0.',''), 5) next_run_time ,

    getdate() [Timestamp]

    INTO SQL_Server_Jobs

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers js, #xp_results x, master.dbo.sysservers s, msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps sjs

    WHERE j.job_id = js.job_id

    AND j.job_id = x.job_id

    AND s.srvid = js.server_id

    AND sjs.step_id = 1

    AND j.job_id = sjs.job_id

    DROP TABLE #xp_results

    set nocount off


  • [Quote]

    you need to be very thorough


    You got to be kidding, right?

  • Hi ravinegi,

    I think you should post the city/state/country your company is located.

    Therewith you'd probably get contacted from one of the local consultants that follow this site or even participate.

    The way your request is posted you're not looking for a hint on how to resolve an issue but for a "100%-tested-against-all-circumstances-error-free-full-functional-copy-and-paste solution".

    Your request of being "very thorough" involves one simple thing: a contract.

    If your question would have been "How can I figure out what portion of that script causes locking and blocking?" or "Is there a way to avoid the WHILE loop?" probably there already would have been some suggestions. But a "very thorough" tuning of 470 lines of code as a charity task is asking for a little too much - at least from my point of view.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Hi ravinegi

    I don't want to comment the "very thorough" (I just can confirm the others).

    If I overlook this claim there is another problem with your post. As Lutz already denoted you cannot post a 470 line script and says "this locks, please help". Your script contains many GOs so it will be executed in completely own steps. First you have to use the SQL Server Profiler to investigate which of these separate scripts causes the locks. After that execute only some parts of the identified script. If you found a specific part which causes the lock post this and request help. Maybe without the "claim"...



  • At the very least, put it in tags so that it keeps its formatting.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I tried it on my laptop and it finished in nothing flat. True, its just a laptop, but I do have over 30 databases.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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