Adding hebrew or arabic in the same column as enlgish.

  • Hi,

    I am trying to add a Hebrew (or Arabic) mixed with English sentence into a column.

    I am copying the sentence from Word 2007 and pasting it into SQL Server 2005.

    The sentence is in order until I paste into SQL Server 2005.

    The query windows doesn't seem to know how to handle two languages with different Reading Order.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in andvance.

  • Hi

    Just tried and works:




    Country NVARCHAR(100),





    SELECT N'Germany'

    UNION ALL SELECT N'Deutschland'

    UNION ALL SELECT N'???????'

    SELECT *

    FROM @t

    WHERE Country IN (N'Germany', N'Deutschland', N'???????')


    Because you try to insert Unicode data you have to use the "N" for a Unicode string



  • Thanks for the response Flo.

    What I am trying to do is put a herbrew (or arabic) mixed with english text into a coloumn.

    I have a Word document with a sentence that has herbrew and english words in it.

    Ex. ???????? ?? ????? ????????, ??????? ?? TEST ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????

    When I copy it from Word and paste it into the query window of SQL 2005 I get:

    ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? TEST ???????? ?? ????? ????????, ??????? ??

    The text flips! 🙁

    I also installed hebrew and arabic languages on my computer.

    I seems that when I copy straight hebrew or straight arabic into the query window it comes out ok...but when a sentence has english in it, it flips the text.

    any other suggestions?

  • P.S. I am using the N infront of my single quotes. I think my issue is mixing languages with different reading orders. rtl vs ltr

  • Hi

    I misunderstood your initial post. I just tried and can reproduce the same error. Sorry I have no other suggestions. Maybe somebody else can help.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for you time Flo.

  • Does it have to be pasted in an entire string, or can it be constructed? Something like:

    DECLARE @Text nvarchar(255)

    SET @Text = N'???????? ?? ????? ????????, ??????? ??' + N' TEST ' + N'???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????'

    PRINT @Text

  • There are two ways you could fix this because both Arabic and Hebrew are right to left languages so create a test database with Hebrew or Arabic and add your text take either a table or just the column of that database and add it to your existing database. I have an ASPNETDB with Hebrew collation so create a database collation choose Hebrew and then add a table and columns then your text, if you are still having problem do the same with Arabic. One of both languages will take all three.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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