• Hi People,

    I have a query like this and I want to replace cursor with while loop because I learned that cursors are much slower and utilizes much of resources... the problem is that the OUPUT clause I believe can only be used with a CURSOR datatype to which I am not very sure... can some body suggest


    DECLARE @ins VARCHAR (16)

    DECLARE @rent INT

    exec my_childsp





    @mycur OUTPUT

    fetch next FROM @mycur INTO @ins, @rent

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    INSERT INTO #temptable values (@ins, @rent)

    fetch next FROM @mycur INTO @ins, @rent haverent


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  • Hi

    I've never used the OUTPUT feature but had a look to BOL. Seems that it returns the cursor as output.

    Why do you not just return the data as SELECT from your procedure and use temp/variable table as destination and goon with this?



  • It would help to see the actual code you are trying to replace. In addition changing from a cursor to a while loop doesn't really change much, it is still RBAR. You really need to look at finding a seet based solution to replace your cursor based solution.

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