Need script to renumber a DisplayOrder column in a table

  • I have a table that has a column called DisplayOrder which stores an int value denoting the display order in which the items are to appear in the .aspx page.

    ColumnText     ObjectType     DisplayOrder

    OrderNumber   TextBox          1

    OrderDate       TextBox          2

    ProductName   TextBox          3


    Now, I need to insert a new row in the middle of the table...

    OrderTaker     TextBox          3

    which will need a display order value of 3, which is already taken. How would I, via a script, renumber the display order values? i.e. existing 3 becomes 4 and so on down the table.


  • First make space

    update mytable

    set DisplayOrder = DisplayOrder + 1

    where DisplayOrder >= 3


    THen Insert

  • Thank you very much!

  • The solution will work, however, to avoid something like this in the future you could number them differently.  Instead of numbering them 1, 2, 3, 4.... you can number them 10, 20, 30, 40.... You can still order them by DisplayOrder, except that if you need to add a new item somewhere in the list its as easy as making it number 11 and that way you won't have to worry about renumbering the other ones.  Also comes in handy for things like the tabindex on forms

  • It all depends on how often you need to insert data between records.  If it is a rare occurance then there is little or no need to keep room available.  If it is done often then the optimization to keep space available can help with performance.  In any case you would need to create room eventually as the space may fill up.  In which case you'll still need to reorder.  An now you'll need to have code to detect when the reording needs to be done.

  • Use an Instead Of trigger. The sample code below would be more efficient if there is some unique key field that you could use to join the records instead of using the various other fields.


    Create Trigger dbo.TR_ReorderInsert On dbo.DisplayTable

    Instead Of Insert


    Declare @DisplayTable Table (NewOrder int identity(1, 1) not null primary key)

            ColumnText nvarchar(100) not null,

            ObjectType nvarchar(100) not null,

            DisplayOrder decimal (9, 1) not null)

    If Not Exists(Select 1 From dbo.DisplayTable DT

        Inner Join inserted i On i.DisplayOrder = DT.DisplayOrder)


        -- DisplayOrder does not exist so simply insert without reordering

        Insert Into dbo.DisplayTable(ColumnText, ObjectType, DisplayOrder)

        Select ColumnText, ObjectType, DisplayOrder

        From inserted




        Insert Into @DisplayTable (ColumnText, ObjectType, DisplayOrder)

        Select ColumnText, ObjectType, Cast(DisplayOrder as Decimal(9, 1)) As theDisplayOrder

        From dbo.DisplayTable with(nolock)


        Select ColumnText, ObjectType, Cast(DisplayOrder as Decimal(9, 1)) - 0.1

        From inserted

        Order By theDisplayOrder

        Update DT

        Set DT.DisplayOrder = tDT.NewOrder

        From dbo.DisplayTable DT

        Inner Join @DisplayTable tDT On DT.ColumnText = tDT.ColumnText And DT.ObjectType = tDT.ObjectType

        Where DT.DisplayOrder <> tDT.NewOrder

        Insert Into dbo.DisplayTable(ColumnText, ObjectType, DisplayOrder)

        Select ColumnText, ObjectType, NewOrder

        From @DisplayTable tDT

        Where Not Exists (Select 1 From dbo.DisplayTable with(nolock)

          Where ColumnText = tDT.ColumnText

          And ObjectType = tDT.ObjectType)


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