Help required to write this query

  • QuarterId QuarterFromMonth QuarterToMonth StartDate EndDate Months

    ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------





    Here is my table, and the values in it.

    Now i need to write a query, which will give me quarterid on the basis of month we are in. I got an logic, i have to write a query to check whether the current month(may) is in Months column and i have to get corresponding Quarter id, may look simple. But the next query i have to get the previous quarter value, some thing like current quarter id from current month may is "2", and i need to get the previous quarter id "1", i can minus one, but if the current quarter is 1, then it has to gimee "4". Please help me to do all these in SQL query.

    I need 2 query basically

    1. to get current quarter id from the table using current month

    2. to get the previous quarter id, from the current month

    Thanks in advance

  • pls try this:

    declare @CurDate varchar(25)

    set @CurDate='13 jul 2010'

    declare @TmpTbl table(qId int,qFrom varchar(15),qTo varchar(15),startDate datetime,

    toDate datetime,Mnths varchar(50))

    insert into @TmpTbl values(1,'January','March',Null,Null,'January,February,March')

    insert into @TmpTbl values(2,'April','june',Null,Null,'April,May,June')

    insert into @TmpTbl values(3,'July','September',Null,Null,'July,August,September')

    insert into @TmpTbl values(4,'October','December',Null,Null,'October,November,December')

    select qId,datename(mm,@CurDate)

    from @TmpTbl where datename(MM,@CurDate)in (qFrom,datename(mm,dateadd(m,1,'01 '+qFrom+' 2010')),qTo)

    select qId--,datename(MM,dateadd(m,-1,@CurDate))

    from @TmpTbl where datename(MM,dateadd(m,-1,@CurDate))in (qFrom,datename(mm,dateadd(m,1,'01 '+qFrom+' 2010')),qTo)

    I have used a temporary table just for example.u can apply this in your context.verify the query by changing the values of @CurDate.ok?



    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


  • Thanks Sunitha,

    Before trying this query, i have some doubt, currdate is hard coded? is that not possible to get the system current date?

    And also i found some hardcoding of 2010 in the query, is that not possible to change to current year..


  • you can use the getdate() function.I hard coded ot just to test ..


    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


  • instead of 2010,you can use year(getdate())


    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


  • you can change it like this:

    select qId,datename(mm,@CurDate)

    from @TmpTbl where datename(MM,@CurDate)in (qFrom,datename(mm,dateadd(m,1,'01 '+qFrom+' '+cast(year(@CurDate) as varchar))),qTo)

    select qId--,datename(MM,dateadd(m,-1,@CurDate))

    from @TmpTbl where datename(MM,dateadd(m,-1,@CurDate))in (qFrom,datename(mm,dateadd(m,1,'01 '+qFrom+' '+cast(year(@CurDate) as varchar))),qTo)

    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


  • Thanks once again Sunitha, it works, need small change

    The first query works as expected, but the second query, i expect the previous quarter value

    the below one has to give "4", it gives me still "1",

    declare @CurDate DATETIME

    set @CurDate=CONVERT(datetime, '2010-01-1', 102)

    --select @CurDate as dateOut

    select QuarterId,datename(mm,@CurDate)

    from QuarterDefinition where datename(MM,@CurDate)in (QuarterFromMonth,datename(mm,dateadd(m,1,'01 '+QuarterFromMonth+' '+cast(year(@CurDate) as varchar))),QuarterToMonth)

    Can you please look in to this and help me

  • Ummm, the code you were given does what you asked for.

    (cleaned up below)

    --Create test data

    DECLARE @CurDate VARCHAR(25)

    SET @CurDate='1 jan 2010'

    DECLARE @QuarterDefinition TABLE(

    quarterid INT,

    quarterfrommonth VARCHAR(15),

    quartertomonth VARCHAR(15),

    startdate DATETIME,

    todate DATETIME,

    mnths VARCHAR(50))

    INSERT INTO @QuarterDefinition

    VALUES (1,






    INSERT INTO @QuarterDefinition

    VALUES (2,






    INSERT INTO @QuarterDefinition

    VALUES (3,






    INSERT INTO @QuarterDefinition

    VALUES (4,






    --Select statement for current quarter

    SELECT quarterid,

    Datename(mm, @CurDate)

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, @CurDate)IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' 2010')), quartertomonth )

    --Select statement for previous quarter

    SELECT quarterid AS [Previous Quarter],

    Datename(mm, @CurDate) AS [Month]

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, -1, @CurDate))IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' 2010')), quartertomonth )


    --Version 2 Select statement for previous quarter

    SELECT quarterid AS [Previous Quarter],

    Datename(mm, @CurDate) AS [Month]

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, -1, @CurDate))IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' ' + CAST(YEAR(@CurDate) AS VARCHAR))), quartertomonth )

    Where you've gone wrong is in the "WHERE" clause.

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  • Thanks it works for the date '1 jan 2010', it gives me quarter 4. But whne i give 1 dec 2010, it still gives me 4, which is suppose to be 3(4-1).

  • There will be a much better way of doing this than how I've done it. . . but this works


    WHEN CAST(MONTH(@CurDate) AS VARCHAR) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN ( quarterid + 3 )

    ELSE ( quarterid - 1 )

    END AS [Previous Quarter],

    Datename(mm, @CurDate) AS [Month]

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, @CurDate)IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' 2010')), quartertomonth )

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  • Thank you very much, it works now

    Can we add a small change to this query, so that i will be able to get year also. The logic is like if the current date is 01-01-2010, the previous quarter is 4 and it make sens that the year is 2009, and the same way if the date 05-05-2010, then previous quarter is 1 and year is still same as 2010.

    Sorry for posting all here, instead trying, if it is in JAVA then i might have done by this time, since SQL.

    Please help. Thanks in advance

  • Not sure I fully understand your requirement.

    Are we trying to grab the year of the previous quarter? If so: -


    WHEN CAST(MONTH(@CurDate) AS VARCHAR) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN ( quarterid + 3 )

    ELSE ( quarterid - 1 )

    END AS [Previous Quarter],

    Datename(mm, @CurDate) AS [Month],


    WHEN CAST(MONTH(@CurDate) AS VARCHAR) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN ( Datename(yyyy, @CurDate) - 1 )

    ELSE ( Datename(yyyy, @CurDate) )

    END AS [Year]

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, @CurDate)IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' 2010')), quartertomonth )

    (I'm sure there's a better way to do it than that)

    If we're trying to grab the year of the date we've input then: -


    WHEN CAST(MONTH(@CurDate) AS VARCHAR) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN ( quarterid + 3 )

    ELSE ( quarterid - 1 )

    END AS [Previous Quarter],

    Datename(mm, @CurDate) AS [Month],

    Datename(yyyy, @CurDate) AS [Year]

    FROM @QuarterDefinition

    WHERE Datename(mm, @CurDate)IN ( quarterfrommonth, Datename(mm, Dateadd(m, 1, '01 ' + quarterfrommonth + ' 2010')), quartertomonth )

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  • I am sorry, you dint get the full issue, may be i dint explain well, this may help

    if the previous quarter is 4, then the year value should be current year -1, and if it is between 1- 3 then it should be the same year.. can you help me to add in to that query you have written

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