When exporting SSRS report to excel, Images are not Exporting.

  • I have an SSRS report which has an indicator column(Image: Green or Red).

    when i try to export the report to excel, except the indicator images everything is coming properly.

    Is there any settings we need to change to export the SSRS embedded images to excel? or any suggestions?



    No Dream Is Too Big....!

  • I do not have any problem exporting reports w/ images to excel... Do you have service pack 2 installed? I believe sp2 fixed some issues with the export functionality, but I may be wrong. the only other thing I can think of is if you are using an older version of Excel.

    Dan Guzman - Not the MVP (7/22/2010)
    All questions have to be prefaced by Server version and 'according to MS Docs' or 'my own personal opinion based on how much detail I felt like digging into at the time.'

  • Yes, i'm using SP2 and also Office 2007.

    I've faced the same problem in the machine where SP3 installed.

    For info: I'm using gif images in my report, those are the status indicators of a PPS scorecard.

    No Dream Is Too Big....!

  • You could try a few things.

    1. Instead of embedding the images in the report, link to them externally and make the GIF's part of the project.

    2. Try saving the GIF's as JPEG (mspaint)

    3. Try exporting to something else like PDF to see if they appear. This may indcate a problem with the EXCEL renderer. Might it be the case that the images are there but the EXCEL cell is of no height and width?



  • I have the same problem using SSRS 2008.

  • Thanks for ur suggestion Simon,

    I tried both formats jpeg and gif, still have the same problem.

    When i export it to PDF or image images are exporting. The problem is only with excel.

    In the report i'm using a rectangle and inside the i'm using images. Based on certain conditions i'm displaying required embedded image.

    Is there any problem using rectangle?



    No Dream Is Too Big....!

  • I'm having the same problem. Any updates?

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