tempdb full

  • Hi experts,

    Please help me.Its urgent."tempdb" of one of our production server is seen growing.Just before sometimes it consumes full disk space.And as because of that we were forced to restart the server.after restarting it becomes fine.But it was seen that after sometime again the tempdb is increasing.Now also we restarted.Since a live application is running we cant restart the server like this anymore.So please help us.

    Why this tempdb is increasing.What we want to decrease the growth.Please advice. 🙂

    Thanks in advance

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • Sounds like you need to profile the server to find out what's writing to the tempdb log.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Carolyn,

    But it might took a long time to trace and correct errors.As it is a live server and tempdb is always increasing we cant wait.We are trying to shrink tempdb.But it doesnt work now.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • You need to trace this and find out which activity is growing tempdb. There is no other way, live server or not. Activity, and possibly large transactions using temp tables/variables, are causing tempdb to grow.

    Or you have it sized incorrectly for the level of activity and need to add more disk space.

    No magic here, no switch you can throw. It grows to the level needed to handle the peak activity.

  • Thanks Steve 🙂

    we are working on this 🙂

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

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