SQL Server 2005 Case Sensitivity

  • Any of you have any idea why SQL Server 2005 is having CASE Senstive Schemaname.tablename collection.

    Let say i am having Schema Person in which i am having table Contact,

    then person.contact will never work, you will have to enter it as according to you declared Person.Contact. (with a default installation)



  • Hi

    Check the collation of your server and database.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Thanks for reply chirag.

    I have used the word "default" in the question.



  • Sounds like SQL Server was setup with Binary Sort as the default collation. I would also bet that all your column names, table names, etc are case sensitive as well. Also, all queries that use the default sort would also be case sensitive.

    Binary Sort is a pain until you get used to it. Then it just becomes second nature. 🙂

    Gary Johnson
    Sr Database Engineer

  • i mean to say comparing with SQL 2000

    selecting serverproparty('collation') will return defaulr SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (if i am not wrong).

    but As 2005 introduce Schema feature which becomes

    Case-Sensitive combination of schema and tablename.

    which becomes more tedious job then earlier.



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