User SPs on a linked server

  • After all my problems of setting up a linked server and permissions I have finally gotten rid of the permission problem.
    Instead of setting up my linked server with 'SQL Server' selected as the type, I chose 'Other' and selected 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server'. I have made sure that RPC In and Out are enabled.
    Now onto a NEW problem.
    Connecting to ServerA, I can run something like
    SELECT *
    FROM [ServerB].[MyDB].[dbo].[SomeTable]
    But if I try to run a stored procedure, that I created
    EXEC [ServerB].[MyDB].[dbo].[SomeProc]
    then I will get an error:
    Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1

    Could not find stored procedure 'ServerB.dbo.SomeProc'.

    BUT!!! if I try to execute a stored procedure that is a SYSTEM stored procedure it will work
    For example:
       EXEC [ServerB].[master].[dbo].[sp_who]
    works fine!
    Has anyone got any idea why I can execute SYSTEM stored procs but not USER ones?
  • Did you grant permission to execute to public for procedure [ServerB].[MyDB].[dbo].[SomeProc]?

  • Yep
    I have tried to call various SPs in different databases but get the same error regardless :/
  • OK after some further testing, it looks like when I call
    EXEC [ServerB].[SomeDB].[dbo].[ProcName]
    it doesn't try to run the procedure on ServerB, it looks for the procedure on itself (ie on ServerA!!!)
    Any reason why it would ignore the [ServerB] part?!?!
  • What kind of problem you had when you set up the linked server using SQL Server?

    If you do sp_linkedservers, do you see the linked server you have set up, if you don't see it, that means the linked server did not set up properly.

    Have you done sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to to ensure that all logins to the local server connect through to the linked server using their own user credentials?


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