Query Help Please

  • I need to include in my query a check on a date field.  I only want records returned that are from the last six months.  I would I go about doing this. 


    have a startdate and enddate fields.

  • I have not Tweeked this however, i seen that you needed this and this is the type of logic that you are looking for.

    This comes from the northwind database that is in your sql2000 files


    ALTER procedure

    [Sales by Year]


    DateTime, @Ending_Date DateTime AS


    Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, "Order Subtotals".Subtotal, DATENAME(yy,ShippedDate) AS Year


    Orders INNER JOIN "Order Subtotals" ON Orders.OrderID = "Order Subtotals".OrderID


    Orders.ShippedDate Between @Beginning_Date And @Ending_Date

    Dam again!

  • Beware of the times, which are also included. You might want to add one day to the end day if you are missing values.

  • select getdate() --current date

    select dateadd(mm,-6,getdate()) -- last 6 months

  • i usually use this


    ALTER procedure [Sales by Year]

    @Beginning_Date DateTime, @Ending_Date DateTime AS

    SELECT Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, "Order Subtotals".Subtotal, DATENAME(yy,ShippedDate) AS Year

    FROM Orders INNER JOIN "Order Subtotals" ON Orders.OrderID = "Order Subtotals".OrderID

    WHERE convert(varchar(12),Orders.ShippedDate,103) Between convert(varchar(12),@Beginning_Date,103) And


    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • What is the 103?

    Dam again!

  • Have you tried running this??

    Select convert(varchar(12),GetDate(),103)

    Check bol for all other possibilities (in convert/dates).

  • 103 is an example of an optional parameter that can be passed to the convert function.  For more information, see the BOL.


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