use of stored procedure to send email notification

  • Hi

    I am trying to get my ms sql to send me an email on certain occations but I can not get it to send.

    Have created the following:

    CREATE Procedure sn_SMTPMail


    SET nocount on  

    declare @oMail int  

    DECLARE @counters int

    DECLARE @users int

    DECLARE @rest int

    SELECT @counters=topp from [counts] where id = 1

    SELECT @users=count(*) from where user_name = 'test'

    set @rest = (select topp from [counts] where id = 1) - (select count(*) from where user_name = 'test')

    declare @result int  

    EXEC @result = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @oMail OUT  

    if @counters-@users < 1


     DECLARE @t varchar(50)

     SELECT @t=responsible from [counts] where id = 1

     EXEC @result = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'From', ''

     EXEC @result = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'To', ''

     EXEC @result = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Subject', @t

     EXEC @result = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Body', 'No more ID'

     EXEC @result = sp_OAMethod @oMail, 'Send', NULL   

     EXEC sp_OADestroy @oMail

     print cast(@rest as varchar) + 'trys'

    SET nocount off


    What am I doing worng? Do I have to set something up on the server for this to work? Should I solve diffrently?

    Thanks for all help




  • I'm not the expert, but I know that they'll want to know this :

    What error message are you getting?

  • Have you checked that the SMTP server is receiving the message? It looks like it should work, but honestly, I've had issues with CDO/CDONTS. I used ASPEmail from my SQL Server and that worked well and most people swear by xp_smtp at I'm wary of SP-OA since you could get memory leaks in there.

  • Hi.

    Sorry for extreme late respons but I forgott all about this because of some other hot issues and then my summer holiday set in.

    How do I check that SMTP server get the message?

    You talk about ASPEmail, does this require something special or is this a built in function in MS SQL?

    Thank you for all the help you give




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