Times by quarterhour

  • I have build a reference table called QtrHour.  Values

     00 00-14 N

     00 15-29 N

     00 30-44 N

     00 45-59 N

     01 00-14 N

     01 15-29 N

     01 30-44 N

     01 45-59 N

     02 00-14 N

     02 15-29 N

     02 30-44 N

     02 45-59 N   etc.

    I want to use this in a join query to return all calls for each time period.  If there were no calls, I wish to return zeros or no data.  This query returns the data perfectly but only if there were calls.  I think I can join differently to pull all the values from QtrHour. 

    My query is:

    SELECT     QtrHour.[Hour], QtrHour.QtrHour, QtrHour.Shift, COALESCE (SUM(Call_QtrHour_Disposition.TotalHoldSecs), 0) AS TotalHoldSecs

    FROM         QtrHour LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          Call_QtrHour_Disposition ON QtrHour.[Hour] = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.[Hour] AND QtrHour.QtrHour = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.QtrHour

    WHERE     (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue > '2/1/2006') AND (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue < '2/2/2006')

    GROUP BY QtrHour.[Hour], QtrHour.QtrHour, QtrHour.Shift

    ORDER BY QtrHour.[Hour], QtrHour.QtrHour


     01 30-44 N 4

     01 45-59 N 283

     02 00-14 N 16

     02 30-44 N 2

    Missing values for

     00 00-14 N

     00 15-29 N

     00 30-44 N

     00 45-59 N

     01 00-14 N

     01 15-29 N



  • not tested but ...Something like this...

    declare @results table


    [Hour] int,

    QTR_Hour datetime,

    Shift char(1) default 'N',

    TotalHoldSecs int default 0


    --set a @start and @end time manually if you want

    declare @start datetime,

    @end datetime

    set @start = min(QTR_Hour)

    from QtrHour

    set @end = max(@QTR_HOur)

    from QtrHour

    while @start @start) AND (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue < @end)

    GROUP BY QtrHour.[Hour], QtrHour.QtrHour, QtrHour.Shift

    ORDER BY QtrHour.[Hour], QtrHour.QtrHour


    on r.QtrHour = q.QTR_Hour

    select * from @results


    Mathew J Kulangara

  • The only issue here is the classic mistake of LEFT JOIN, but then placing a WHERE condition on the joined table, thereby implicitly forcing it back to an INNER JOIN:

    FROM         QtrHour LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          Call_QtrHour_Disposition ON QtrHour.[Hour] = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.[Hour] AND QtrHour.QtrHour = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.QtrHour

    WHERE     (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue > '2/1/2006') AND (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue < '2/2/2006')

    Re-write as:

    FROM         QtrHour

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Call_QtrHour_Disposition

      ON QtrHour.[Hour] = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.[Hour] AND

           QtrHour.QtrHour = Call_QtrHour_Disposition.QtrHour AND

           Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue > '2/1/2006' AND

           Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue < '2/2/2006'

  • Thanks PW.  I new there was a way and I just kept fiddling with views etc with no success.  I do appreciate your answer!!   I have read over and over about not forcing SQL re: execution plan, indexes etc, but continue to be occluded by the trees when wandering in the forest!!!  



  • Nice to learn that I'm not the only one who's made Classic mistakes... 

    PW - I'm curious why you included the test in the JOIN instead of modifying the WHERE clause as I might have.  Does one method perform better than the other?


    WHERE  (   (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue > '2/1/2006') AND (Call_QtrHour_Disposition.Entered_Queue < '2/2/2006') ) OR Call_QtrHour_Disposition.ID IS NULL

  • >>I'm curious why you included the test in the JOIN

    2 reasons

    - Code readability/maintainability

    - Performance & index usage

    Maintenance: Consider if there was more than 1 column being filtered on, in the left-joined table. You'd need to add the OR ... IS NULL for each column. More AND/OR logical conditions that need to be bracketed correctly. 1 misplaced bracket and you've accidentally changed the logic.

    Performance: If the column being filtered on participates in a usable index, the index will be used in the JOIN form and not used in the WHERE ... OR ... IS NULL form

    Best to show an example. Simple master-detail temp tables. Query needs to filter on a column in the detail table, which is being left-joined to. 1st query is using a LEFT JOIN, 2nd filters in the WHERE. Run this in QA and check the query execution plans.

    Create Table #Master


      RowID int,

      SomeData varchar(50)


    Create Table #Detail


      MasterRowID int,

      DetailRowID int,

      Status int,

      SomeMoreData varchar(50)


    Create index #ixDetailStatus on #Detail (Status, MasterRowID, DetailRowID)

    Insert Into #Master

    Select 1, 'Master Row 1' Union

    Select 2, 'Master Row 2' Union

    Select 3, 'Master Row 3'

    Insert Into #Detail

    Select 1, 1, 1, 'Detail 1,1' Union

    Select 1, 2, 0, 'Detail 1,2' Union

    Select 3, 1, 1, 'Detail 3,1' Union

    Select 3, 1, 0, 'Detail 3,1'

    -- LEFT JOIN, with filter in the JOIN

    Select *

    From #Master As m

    Left Outer Join #Detail As d

      On (m.RowID = d.MasterRowID And d.Status = 1)

    -- LEFT JOIN, with filter in the WHERE, with a NULL check

    Select *

    From #Master As m

    Left Outer Join #Detail As d

      On (m.RowID = d.MasterRowID)

    Where (d.Status = 1 Or d.Status Is Null)

    Query plan for the JOIN

      |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK[Bmk1001]), OBJECT[tempdb].[dbo].[#Detail__________________________________________________________ AS [d]))

           |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, OUTER REFERENCES[m].[RowID]))

                |--Table Scan(OBJECT[tempdb].[dbo].[#Master__________________________________________________________ AS [m]))

                |--Index Seek(OBJECT[tempdb].[dbo].[#Detail________________.[#ixDetailStatus] AS [d]),

     SEEK[d].[Status]=1 AND [d].[MasterRowID]=[m].[R

    Query plan for the WHERE

      |--Filter(WHERE[d].[Status]=1 OR [d].[Status]=NULL))

           |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, WHERE[m].[RowID]=[d].[MasterRowID]))

                |--Table Scan(OBJECT[tempdb].[dbo].[#Master___________________________________________________________AS [m]))

                |--Table Scan(OBJECT[tempdb].[dbo].[#Detail____________________________________________________________AS [d]))


  • PK

     I exercised your example, and although I had to force the JOIN version to use the index with a WITH ( INDEX ... ) it clearly is more efficient than my WHERE version.



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