Importing text file with fixed length | delimited rows

  • I am attempting to import a text file of format:

    |plan_no   |lot_no|unit_n|unit_s|street|str_no|street|str_no|road_name                |road_t|road_p|locality_name                           |la_name             |
    |AP9645    |     1|      |      |      |      |      |      |SPLITTERS CREEK          |RD    |      |HAZELDEAN                               |KILCOY              |

    The rows are {cr}{lf} seperated, but the columns are fixed length and with | seperation.

    If I use the Fixed Field option and specify column positions, I get a duplicate column error.

    If I use the Delimited option and specify | as the text qualifier, I get an Invalid Delimited Data error.

    Is this format of data able to be imported?

  • Since you have street field in the data twice, that is probably where the duplicate column error is coming from. I suggest not marking the 'first row has column names' and let SQL name the columns. Then you can go into the table and rename the fields in order to get a Street1 and Street2 field?


  • Duplicate column names it was - just like the error said.  'doh!  Thankyou.

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