Date field comparision - without time running slow

  • I am having some weird performance hits when comparing date fields - I want to compare dates only and not the time portion of the field. Hopefully someone can educate me as to why and give a possible solution.

    I have a table with a datetime field. When I view the data in Query Analyzer it shows this field as

    11/12/2005 9:55:01 AM

    What I am trying to do is select all records from this table where records are greater than today minus 7 days (without comparing the time portion of the field).


    Select * from table where activitydate > Convert(datetime, Convert(int,DATEADD(day, -7, getdate())))

    This works, but it takes 93 seconds for the query to run.


    select * from table where DATEDIFF(day, C_Tracked_Item_Hist.ActivityDate, getdate()) <=7

    This works, but it takes 38 seconsds to for the query to run

    If I manually run this query, it runs in under a second:

    Select * from table where activitydate > '13-Jan-2006'


    No matter what I am trying, everything is slow.


    If I try and reproduce the exact date format entered manually in the above query that runs fast, it runs slow 93 seconds - same as the 1st query




     @DE char(11)

    SET @dt = DATEADD(day, -7, getdate())

    SET @de = DATENAME(DAY,@DT) + '-' + LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH,@DT),3) + '-' + DATENAME(YEAR, @dt)

    Select * from table where activitydate > @de

  • create an index on the column and see how that affects the speed:

    CREATE INDEX IX_ActivityDate  on C_Tracked_Item_Hist(ActivityDate);

    also throw away all your converts...

    Select * from table where activitydate > DATEADD(day, -7, getdate())


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Field alredy has an index. If I do the following it runs fast, but I would like an alternate/better approach...


    @sqlstr nvarchar(4000),


     @DE char(13)

    SET @dt = DATEADD(day, -7, getdate())

    SET @de = '''' + DATENAME(DAY,@DT) + '-' + LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH,@DT),3) + '-' + DATENAME(YEAR, @dt) + ''''

    set @sqlstr = n'Select * from table where activitydate > ' + @de

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstr


  • Using functions prevents index usage. That's why you're seeing the problem.

  • Pre-compute the required selection date into a variable and use that. Should allow optimizer to use the index:

    Declare @DateFrom As SmallDateTime

    Select @DateFrom = Convert(Smalldatetime, Convert(int,DATEADD(day, -7, getdate())))

    Select * from table where activitydate > @DateFrom


  • i think you might be getting hung up on formatting...

    remember the date is actually stored as a double,where the integer portion is days and the decimal portion it part of a day; but displayed as a you are trying to format the where clause to match the display, instead of the real datetime value; just use datediff and forget trying to parse out month/day/year.

    select * from C_Tracked_Item_Hist

    where datediff(d,ActivityDate,getdate()) > 30


    select convert(decimal(16,4),getdate())=38735.5108

    select convert(decimal,getdate())=38736



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • PW Your solution takes longer - 202 seconds.

    Lowel - I did try datediff and it takes 93 seconds -

    your example (takes 93 seconds)

    select * from C_Tracked_Item_Hist

    where datediff(d,ActivityDate,getdate()) > 7


    my fast example (takes milliseconds)

    select * from C_Tracked_Item_Hist

    where ActivityDate>'13-Jan-2006'


    Why would this be?

  • >>Why would this be?

    Check the execution plan in each case (highlight the SQL and hit CTRL-L in query analyser).

    Something is causing the optimiser not to use the index. This occurs when you use a function or expression in the WHERE clause. DateDiff() is a function.

    Is the column a smalldatetime or datetime in the table ?


  • What is the datatype of the column you call "Activity Date"?  I have the sneaky suspicion that it's not a DateTime column and need to know what datatype it is before I can help.

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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