Variable in Function

  • I am working a function:

    declare @AccCharge int

    declare @zipfrom varchar

    declare @zipto varchar

    set @zipfrom ='33786'

    set @zipto = '32174'



    IF  @ZipFrom  in (select zip from t_RATE a join t_ZIP b ON a.state=b.state)


     set @AccCharge = 213

             return (@AccCharge)

            --Print (@AccCharge)


    Problem is this won't return anything unless I swap the @ZipFrom in the IF statment with an actual value   IF  01234  in (select zip from t_RATE a join t_ZIP b ON a.state=b.state)

    Any ideas?



      SELECT *  from t_RATE a

       join t_ZIP b ON a.state=b.state

       WHERE = @ZipFrom&nbsp




  • Thanks PW!  Actually my query does work. The problem I was having was I didn't specify the varchar size. It needed to be the same as the table. Thank you.

  • Yeah, if you don't specify a length for varchar it defaults to 30 chars or something obscure like that...

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