plz help me

  • hello everyone, here is my SP:

    CREATE PROCEDURE ChartGetRegisteredUsers


    --Get Pending Distributor Count

    SELECT count(DistributorID) as RegisteredDistributors

    from Distributors

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2

    SELECT count(ResellerID) as RegisteredResellers

    from Resellers

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2


    it returns 2 tables, now i want to make a function and in that it

    returns only 1 table with these 2 values of the count, plz tell me how i do this as thses both comes

    from different tables, plz tell me who i write my query that retuns the 1 tabbe but 2 columns thats shows the

    result of these 2 stms count. plz reply me . Thanx in advance.

  • A very simple way of doing this would be to declare two variables @RegisteredDistributors and @RegisteredResellers

    Set the two variables to the counts and then select both back:

    set nocount on

    declare @RegisteredDistributors int, @RegisteredResellers int

    SELECT @RegisteredDistributors = count(DistributorID)

    from Distributors

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2

    SELECT @RegisteredResellers = count(ResellerID)

    from Resellers

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2

    SEELECT @RegisteredDistributors as RegisteredDistributors,

     @RegisteredResellers as RegisteredResellers

    I'm sure there are other ways but this does the trick.

    Hope this helps



  • hey i got it now u plz check it. is it fine or not?

    CREATE PROCEDURE ChartGetRegisteredUsers


    SELECT count(DistributorID)

    from Distributors

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2 union all (SELECT count(ResellerID)

    from Resellers

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2)


    if any other good way to do that then let me know. me waiting for good reply.

    Thanx in advance.

  • Um, your solution returns two rows of one column.  I thought you wanted to get two columns on a single row. 



  • In order to have a single row resultset and be able to distinguish between the values (i.e. different columns), something like this might work...


          SUM(Distributors) AS RegisteredDistributors,

          SUM(Resellers) AS RegisteredResellers




                   COUNT(DistributorID) AS Distributors,

                   0 AS Resellers

                FROM Distributors

                WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2

             UNION ALL


                   0 AS Distributors,

                   COUNT(ResellerID) AS Resellers

                FROM Resellers

                WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2


  • how about just

    CREATE PROCEDURE ChartGetRegisteredUsers


    select (SELECT count(DistributorID) from Distributors WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2) as Distributors,

             (SELECT count(ResellerID) from Resellers WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2) as Resellers




  • Thanx R2ro for ur reply, but when i run ur query it gives me following error: incorrect syntax near ( plz tell me the correct one without error as i cant find the problem and y it giving the error on the end line.

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