Identity columns exists for a table - How to know?

  • Hi,

    Is there any way, that I can determine whether a table has any identity column, programmatically in SQL Server. In other words, is it stored some where like syscolumns or sysconstraints or whatever, whether a table has identity column and what column has the identity property set to on? I am referring to SQL Server 2000.

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi 

    u can use this statement to know about identity column in a DB .

     Select * from syscolumns  where status= 0x80 




  • where Status = 0x80 and id = object_id('TableName')

  • SELECT as 'Table Name', syscolumns.NAME AS 'Identiy Column Name'

    FROM syscolumns, sysobjects

    WHERE syscolumns.ID = sysobjects.ID

    and in (select name

    FROM sysobjects where xtype = 'U' )

    and syscolumns.AUTOVAL IS NOT NULL

  • To add to the above, since accessing the system tables directly is not recommended, here is another way to check if a table has an identity column:

    SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('owner.tablename'), 'TableHasIdentity')

    To check if a column has an identity property:

    SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('owner.tablename'), 'column_name', 'IsIdentity')

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