March 31, 2005 at 9:53 pm
My table has a row for each day through the next 3 years.
It has about 50 columns.
Each cell contains an int.
Is there a way to write a SELECT statement that will return to me the names of any columns that contain the int I specify in the statement, (on a particular date)?
March 31, 2005 at 11:14 pm
--Get the object id
declare @Object_id int
select @Object_id = object_id ('table')
--Get the column names
SELECT [name] as coll_name
FROM syscolumns
WHERE (id = @Object_id)
--Put the column names into a data set and scroll through it
--I was too lazy and put the data into a cursor. I did not post the curser as I --will get too many anti cursor comments---hope this helps a little bit
March 31, 2005 at 11:16 pm
select 'col1name' where exists(select * from tbname where col1name = intvalue)
select 'col2name' where exists(select * from tbname where col2name = intvalue)
March 31, 2005 at 11:31 pm
An additional difficulty that I should have mentioned is that I don't know the names of the columns - they are numbers assigned by the user, but they could be any smallint.
April 1, 2005 at 2:25 am
You could use system metadata to construct your query (with syscolumns or the equivalent information_schema view), and then use the undocumented xp_execresultset to execute the query itself.
xp_execresultset takes two arguments
1. a select statement that produces a result set to execute
2. database name to execute it in (here, tempdb)
Here's an example, a bit kludged, and one that should be cleaned up with dynamic table names, etc for real-life. This is meant more as a one-off, ad hoc query rather than a production code solution.
use tempdb
-- Sample Table and Data
if object_id('dbo.MyTable') is not null
drop table dbo.MyTable
create table MyTable
(RowDate datetime not null
,Col1 int
,Col2 int
,Col3 int
insert dbo.MyTable
select '4/1/2005', 1,2,3
select '4/2/2005', 1,5,6
select '4/3/2005', 1,2,7
select '4/4/2005', 1,8,8
-- query of all columns, all dates where Int Value = 2
-- Note the hardcoded 2 indicated below
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#holding') is not null
drop table #holding
create table #holding
(RowDate datetime, ColName sysname)
exec master.dbo.xp_execresultset N'
select ''insert #holding select distinct RowDate, '''''' + COLUMN_NAME + '''''' as ColName
from dbo.MyTable
where '' + COLUMN_NAME + '' = 2 ---- HARDCODED 2
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = ''MyTable''
and data_type = ''int'' ', N'tempdb'
select * from #holding
-- query of all columns where Int Value = 8 and Date = 4/4/2005
-- Note the hardcoded values for 8 and the date
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#holding') is not null
drop table #holding
create table #holding
(RowDate datetime, ColName sysname)
exec master.dbo.xp_execresultset N'
select ''insert #holding select distinct RowDate, '''''' + COLUMN_NAME + '''''' as ColName
from dbo.MyTable
where '' + COLUMN_NAME + '' = 8 ---- HARDCODED 8
and RowDate = ''''4/4/2005'''' ---- HARDCODED Date
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = ''MyTable''
and data_type = ''int'' ', N'tempdb'
select * from #holding
Does this work for your needs?
Scott Thornburg
April 1, 2005 at 2:49 am
Thanks so much Scott. I'm sure this will do once I've plugged in all the variables.
I am surprised though, that what is so easy one way round - find the value in a column - is so difficult the other way round - find a column or columns containing a particular value - (given that you know which row or rows to look in).
But thanks again so much. I would never have worked that out for myself!
April 1, 2005 at 4:57 am
One can get column name from systable. Use sql to generate sql statement, then run the generated statement.
Example; find which varchar fields in authors (pubs database) has value of 'White'
select 'select ''' + name + ''' where exists(select * from authors where ' + name + ' =''White'')' + char(13) + 'union'
from syscolumns where id = object_id('authors') and xtype = 167
paste the result (ignore the last union) and run it.
April 1, 2005 at 10:24 am
You're welcome. I must admit that for a one-off situation, I'm more likely to use a sollution like wz700 provided -- use SQL to create SQL, then cut and paste to the execution window and run. Effectively, that's what xp_execresultset does in a single step, but it's a bit messier because you have to make sure you handle all those quotes correctly.
Also, for large tables, wz700's solution with the exists will definitely return faster. For a table with ~1000 rows for 3 years of dates, it may not be very noticeable.
Glad to help,
Scott Thornburg
April 1, 2005 at 7:54 pm
Thanks to wz700. I now understand exactly how to do what I need.
I still think though, that there is a gaping hole in SQL that there isn't a simple SQL statement of the type:
WHERE columnname VALUE = nnnn;
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