Linked servers problem...

  • Hi,

    I have some problems with a reporting services report that runs against linked servers. The report manager uses Integrated Windows authentication and the report has a stored procedure on the main server. The sp takes a server name as a parameter and generates the query.

    The linked servers are configured with "be made using the login's current security context." (There is no user specified in the login list for the linked servers.)

    The user is a member of the domain users group and that group has access to the database on the linked servers.

    If I performs the following two steps the report works:

    1. I start (run as...) the query analyzer (on the main server) with a domain user and execute the sp that the report uses I get back the reuslt I want.

    2. Then I execute the report with the same domain user and the report now works (but only for a short period of time).

    If I don't run the sp before I run the report I get the following error:

    Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    All servers belong to the same domain... could someone please help me with this??

  • It can be tricky to get linked servers working this way, I usually don't bother and use a defined login, this way I can lock down the object permissions and make it obvious what objects are available to the linked server.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Ok, I added a SQL login to one of the servers and configured the linked server to use that login for all users not in the login list. The report works great...

    Thank you for your reply!


  • this is called as hop problem in sql server. a very good article for the same is availble in this site just go through the link given below.


    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • That explains why it does not work...

    Thank you very much for the article...


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