assigning a maintainence plan for databases.

  • What are the benchmarks which should be kept into considerations while making or assigning a maintainence plan for databases.

    I m using the following


    Traffic it recive


    Can you suggest more..?

    I am wondering will assigning maintainence plan degrade the performance of application.

  • What kind of maintainence plans are you looking for ? You can use some of the DBCC commands like DBCC checkdb, DBCC dbreindex, etc. in ur plan....



  • I am worry about the fact that assigning improper maintainence plan will degrade the performance of i am looking for some benchmark and things to be consider before assigning maintainence if a particular db is reciving lots of traffic i can schedule that in sunday night.scheduling all the maintainence plans for all the dbs at a time will cause performance degradation of  server.


  • The way I approached it was to take a trace of all the read/write activity of the database server I was intending to work in a maintenance plan on.

    This trace ran for one week, initally.

    Using a few scripts, I ran up log parsers to give me the stats as to what days/times the server was least loaded.

    Usually, you'll find significant drops in 'out of hours' times in system usage. Even if you operate internationally, there are times when your main user base will be away. These show up on the trace.

    On a test system (if available), run the plan you're expecting to use manually on a copy of the database, to get a feel.

    If feasible timewise, run it manually once in one of the identified windows, to ensure that all works as you'd expect.

    Schedule in the components of the plan to run seperately, one after the other (or as close as you can determine that to be) to minimise load at any one point.

    Set it running, and redo the weekly trace to see how it affects system load.

    Certain checks may need to be done less frequently than you'd wish, due to system load constraints. It's up to you to determine the balance of operational performance to checks you find acceptible.

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