Port Scan Syntax?

  • I'm thinking through this solution like this:

    "Select the most active DestinationIP (host) that recieves greater than 100 unlike (non-matching) ports hits within 1 minute of time."

    This would be a port scan.

    Thanks for you patience..........

  • Kevin,

    Because this is a SQL server board, I assume there is a table of some sort you are querying?  Please provide DDL and sample data for the table.



  • Yes, I had the SQL info before I messed it up during my last message "Edit" here.

    tbl_Records -> col_DateTime   col_DestIP   col_SrcIP   col_Port

    I'm looking for the most active (1 minute or less) col_DestIP (host) and the col_Port (ports) accessed and ofcourse the col_SrcIp (hacker IP) that made the attempt.




  • Create a table (results) to capture your results. I'm assuming you would be checking a time period. My example checks every minute starting midnight of 10/1/2005 and ending the minute before midnight 10/2. Since systems like this probably have 100s of millions of records to sift through, make sure your date column is indexed. The looping of this method will also keep you from putting a lock on your entire table at once as it will only be looking at a minute worth of data at a time.

    The update statement at the end of the while loop will tell you the start time of the minute you are analyzing.

    If any of this is incorrect I apologize as I just whipped it together real quick.


    create table results


       col_DestIP varchar(20),

       col_port int,

       col_srcip varchar(20),

       start_minute datetime


    declare @date datetime

    select @date = '10/1/2005 00:00:00.000'

    while @date < '10/2/2005'


    insert into results

    select col_DestIP, col_Port, col_SrcIP, null

    from tbl_Records

    where col_DestIP in (select col_destip

                         from tbl_records

                         where col_datetime >= @date

                         and col_datetime < dateadd(mi, 1, @date)

                         group by col_destip

                         having count(distinct col_port) > 99)

    and col_datetime >= @date

    and col_datetime < dateadd(mi, 1, @date)

    update results

    set start_minute = @date

    where start_minute is null

    select @date = dateadd(mi, 1, @date)


  • This solution uses each hit as a starting point to look at the next one minute of time for hits on different ports to the same host and source.

    This could be written as a Single SQL statement, but as the #HighHitHosts virutal table would need to be derived twice, a temporary table is probably a better solution.

    See the post "Join from temp table" for when using a temporary table can increase performance at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=8&messageid=241763#bm241772

    Create Table HostPortHits

    (DestinationIp varchar(15)NOT NULL -- Longest value 123.456.789.012

    ,SourceIp varchar(15)NOT NULL

    ,HitTsdatetimenot null

    ,HitPort integernot null



    -- Generate ~12K rows

    Insert into HostPortHits

    (DestinationIp ,HitTs ,HitPort,SourceIp)

    select Hosts.IPAddress

    ,DATEADD(ss, sequences.seq , current_timestamp)

    ,CAST( RAND(seq) * 100 as integer) -- ports 0 thru 99


    from (select '' union all select '') as Hosts (IPAddress)

    , (select '' union all -- yahoo.com

    select '' union all -- microsoft.com

    select '' -- sqlservercentral.com

    ) as Source (ip)

    ,master.dbo.sequences as sequences

    where sequences.seq between 0 and 2000


    Alter table HostPortHits

    add constraint HostPortHits_P primary key (DestinationIp, SourceIp, HitTs, HitPort)


    -- Get the Host with more than 100 hits from the same Source to Different Ports

    select StartScan.DestinationIp

    , StartScan.SourceIp

    ,Count(*) as HitCount


    FROMHostPortHits as StartScan

    JOINHostPortHits as EndScan

    ONEndScan.DestinationIp= StartScan.DestinationIp

    ANDEndScan.SourceIp= StartScan.SourceIp

    and EndScan.HitPort != StartScan.HitPort -- Different Port


    between StartScan.HitTs

    and DATEADD(mi, 1 , StartScan.HitTs ) -- add 1 minute

    GROUP BY StartScan.DestinationIp

    , StartScan.SourceIp

    HAVING Count(*) > 100


    from #HighHitHosts


    FROM #HighHitHosts

    ) as HWM (HitCount)

    on #HighHitHosts.HitCount = HWM.HitCount

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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