group by week problem

  • Hi


    Is there some internal setting within SQL Server that can override your group by date ?? I have a query that I am trying to group by a Monday and I am using :

    DateADD("wk",datediff("wk",0,TA_DATE),0) as 'Week Starting'

    to do my select & group by

    This brings back

    Week Starting Contr dDate Fault

    31/10/2005 00:00:00 M&E 05/11/2005 94

    31/10/2005 00:00:00 M&E 30/10/2005 18

    31/10/2005 00:00:00 M&E 31/10/2005 93

    07/11/2005 00:00:00 M&E 06/11/2005 54

    07/11/2005 00:00:00 M&E 07/11/2005 24

    Monday is the 7th which is correct. but then it grouped the 06/11/2005 ( Which is the Sunday) under the 7th as well but it should be under the 31st Mon - Sun. I think that this may be caused by our sql DB set up with a default week start of a Sunday (And I cannot get a get a straight ans from DBA). Is there anyway to override this ?? or has anyone else ever seem this issue.

    Any help appreciated, as I have been knocking my head off it for the last week.

  • I think the problem is with your assumption that the system is set to have Sunday be the LAST day of the week and NOT the FIRST day.

    Try running this statement

    SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, '2005-11-06')   If it returns a 1 then the system is set with Sunday as the beginning of the week.


    Then try the below


    SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, '2005-11-06')

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Hi AJ

    using select @@DATEFIRST brings me back 7 - for Sunday and

    SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, '2005-11-06')  brings back a 1,

    quick question if I use SET DATEFIRST 1 will that not change the default date for all users on the DB to Monday (Don't really want to do this) or will it only change it for the session logging in ??






  • Hi AJ

    just looked set DateFirst sets :


    SET DATEFIRST permissions default to all users.

    So I don't really want to go there, any other ideas ?

    Thanks again


  • Try running the below in query pane 1


    SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, '2005-11-06')

    And this in query pane 2

    SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, '2005-11-06')

    The DateFirst only affects current execution and does not update the server...

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • SELECT (((8 - @@DATEFIRST) % 7) + 1)

    It's a mouthful but it will give you the weekday Monday falls on based on whatever the @@DATEFIRST setting is.

    Just plug that in to your code wherever you need to identify the first day.

  • Thanks Paul,

    but I went with this instead, avoid anything that relies on DATEFIRST or regional

    settings, and instead, define the week start explicitly in the query.

    Here is one solution (using the sameple database Northwind)

    that does not use any auxiliary tables, shown with both Monday

    and Tuesday as the first day of the week (note that January 1, 1900

    was a Monday):

    -- Group by weeks starting on Mondays


      count(OrderID) as numOrders,

      min(dateadd(day, datediff(day,'19000101',OrderDate)/7*7, '19000101'))

    as WeekStarting,

      min(OrderDate) as EarliestOrder,

      max(OrderDate) as LatestOrder

    from Northwind..Orders

    group by datediff(day,'19000101',OrderDate)/7

    order by WeekStarting

    -- Group by weeks starting on Tuesdays


      count(OrderID) as numOrders,

      min(dateadd(day, datediff(day,'19000102',OrderDate)/7*7, '19000102'))

    as WeekStarting,

      min(OrderDate) as EarliestOrder,

      max(OrderDate) as LatestOrder

    from Northwind..Orders

    group by datediff(day,'19000102',OrderDate)/7

    order by WeekStarting



    Thanks again


  • (@@Datefirst + DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @AnyDate)  )%7

    is constant for any DATEFIRST set up.

    For Mon it's 2, fot Tue it's 3, etc.

    Use it to get rid of DATEFIRST dependency.

    If you use

    (@@Datefirst + DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @AnyDate)  -2 )%7 + 1

    you always get same values as when DATEFISRT = 1.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Perfect, Sergiy! I was trying to find a way how to do that, not long ago... and gave up in the end - didn't think about using modulo. I solved it using SET DATEFIRST, but there are situations where this can't be used. I'm sure I'll have opportunity to use this piece of code sooner or later.


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