Selecting Records with Multiple Users

  • I have an Access Project that uses SQL Server.  I need users to be able to select multiple records to appear on a report.  The problem is, I am not sure how to go about this because there are multiple users and they could be using the program at the same time.  So, how could you allow the users to select records at the same time without their records showing up on each other's reports?

  • Are you concerned that multiple user access will cause locking problems?

    When you talk of a user's records showing up on other users' reports, what do you mean?  Do users own certain records?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • I am concerened that if one user selects 3 records and another selects 4 records, they will each get 7 records appearing on their reports because the other user's selections will show up on their reports.  They don't own records, but because they could be using the program at the same time, they could be selecting at the same time causing them to get more records than they really selected because they are what the other user selected.

  • Even though they are sharing the program, they are not sharing processes.  Is the selection you are talking about performed at run time, or is it driven by data which has been written to a physical table?

    You probably see what I'm getting at - if the selection data is contained in a table which can be accessed by multiple users, it may cause problems.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Yes, that is what i'm talking about - the selection data being contained in a table accessed by multiple users.  That is where I see the problem.

    Is there anyway around this?  Another way to allow them to select without it being in a table or without it being a problem?

  • I am not familiar enough with Access projects to give you a definitive answer here.

    Is the selection method something which you have control of?  Or is it an off-the-shelf Access feature?  Might be time for input from someone else!

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • This sounds bizarre...

    Your report must be working in one of the following ways...


    It is a typical report - users set their parameters, the report generates a simple select statement (or several) with where clauses using these parameters.  The data is displayed in the report.  No conflicts will occur in this situation.


    It is some sort of custom report where you store data in a physical table that the report analyses to control how it functions (eg, the parameter values are stored in this table).  In this case, yes I can see how your users might get data mixed up.  In this situation (I've been in something similar with cursed Word mail merge), I had an extra column in the physical table indicating some unique number particular to that execution of the report - that number could then be passed as a parameter to the report.  Thus you can still use your physical table BUT the users won't collide.

    Please let me know if that makes sense. 

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