Store procedure possible query

  • Hi all,

    Effectively, what I am trying to achieve is to query a number of tables to see where there may be duplicates.

    What I thought of doing is get the base query done and using a stored proc so that a parameter of a tablename can be passed into it. 

    So effectively I want join 2 queries together and the results of 1 will be the table name in the from clause of the other



    query 1

    select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like 'stWA1%' or table_name like 'staNA1%';

    The results will look something like






    These results need to be fetch and added into 2nd queries from clause.  The 2nd query will look like


    select fielda, fieldb

    from @ResultQuery1

    group by fielda, fieldb

    having count(fieldb) >1


    So.  What I thought may be a solution is the following.  Please let me know if I am on the right track and what it is I am not doing correctly.


    DECLARE abc CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables

    where table_name like 'stNA1%' or table_name like 'stWA1%'

    OPEN abc


      WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)

    @GroupID   varchar(50)

    select legacyTableName, legacyValue FROM @GroupID

    group by legacyTableName, legacyValue

    having count(legacyValue) > 1


         -- Perform all actions

       FETCH NEXT FROM abc

    CLOSE abc




    Thanks in advance.



  • For query 1... it seems a view of the tables would be appropriate (do be warned that there is a limit to the number of unions you can do... I think it's 255 but not sure) ...

    --===== Declare some variables to hold dynamic SQL in



    --===== Create the CREATE portion of the dynamic SQL

        SET @SQLHead = 'CREATE VIEW vAllMyTables AS'+CHAR(13)

    --===== Create the body of the view in dynamic SQL

     SELECT @SQLBody = ISNULL(@SQLBody+' UNION ALL','')+CHAR(13)

                     + 'SELECT ColA,ColB,'''+Table_Name+''' AS TableName FROM ' + Table_Name

       FROM Information_Schema.Tables

      WHERE Table_Type = 'Base Table'

         AND (   Table_Name LIKE 'stWA1%'

              OR Table_Name LIKE 'staNA1%')

    --===== If the view already exists, drop it so can recreate

         IF OBJECT_ID('vAllMyTables') IS NOT NULL

            DROP VIEW vAllMyTables

    --===== Print the dynamic SQL just for grins

      PRINT @SQLHead+@SQLBody

    --===== Create the view

       EXEC (@SQLHead+@SQLBody)

    ... then, for the second query...

     SELECT fielda, fieldb

       FROM vAllMyTables

      GROUP BY fielda, fieldb

      HAVING COUNT(*) >1


    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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