Can''t get UDF to replace Cursor

  • I got a script off this site.  Here is a simplified version

    -- Simplified script from "cadebryant"

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Contacts( ContactID integer, 

                                             FirstName varchar(10), 

                                             LastName varchar(10))

    INSERT INTO Contacts VALUES( 1, 'John',  'Smith') 

    CREATE TABLE dbo.PhoneNumbers( ContactID integer, 

                                                    PhoneNumber varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO PhoneNumbers

    VALUES( 1, '111-222-3333')

            INSERT INTO PhoneNumbers

            VALUES( 1, '444-555-6666')

    INSERT INTO PhoneNumbers

    VALUES( 1, '777-888-9999')


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetPhones( @ContactID integer) -- Code to create UDF for getting phone numbers

    RETURNS varchar(50)



         DECLARE @Phones varchar(50)

         SET @Phones = ''

         SELECT @Phones = CASE @Phones

                             WHEN ''

                             THEN ISNULL( PhoneNumber, '')

                             ELSE @Phones + ', ' + ISNULL( PhoneNumber, '')


         FROM PhoneNumbers

         WHERE ContactID = @ContactID


         RETURN( @Phones)



    SELECT FirstName, LastName, dbo.GetPhones( ContactID) -- Code to execute function from SELECT statement

    FROM Contacts


    DROP TABLE dbo.Contacts

    DROP TABLE dbo.PhoneNumbers


    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetPhones



    I have tried to use this method for one of our Cursors.  While I cannot give you data, the table names should provide enough information to understand what I am trying to do. 

    Basically, I get no results back when I try and run this UDF.  Can anyone see where I am going wrong?   


    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id( N'dbo.GetInternationalCodes')

              AND xtype IN( N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes( @ID integer)

    RETURNS varchar(250)



         DECLARE @IntlCodes varchar(250)

         SET @IntlCodes = ''

         SELECT @IntlCodes = CASE @IntlCodes

                                                WHEN ''

                                                THEN ISNULL( @IntlCodes, '')

                                                ELSE @IntlCodes + CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.country_code, '')) + ' ' +

                                                                              ISNULL( Countries.country_name, '') + '  ' +

                                                                              CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.pct, '')) + '  ' +

                                                                              CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.intl_marker, ''))


         FROM tb_intl

              LEFT JOIN Countries ON( tb_intl.country_code = Countries.NIH_State_Country_Code)

         WHERE tb_intl.award_id = @ID


         RETURN( @IntlCodes)


    SELECT F.Project, dbo.GetInternationalCodes( AS InternationalCodes

    FROM #Final F

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Your treatment of null and converts of numerics appears to be reversed. You need first to convert from numeric to varchar (which will convert null numerics to null varchars) and then replace nulls with empty strings.

    Instead of

    CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.pct, ''))


    COALESCE( CONVERT( varchar, tb_intl.pct) , '')


    The COALESCE and ISNULL functions are equivalent but COALESCE is ANSI standard.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Farrell,

    you are probably missing one IsNull function on the concatenation:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes( @ID integer)

    RETURNS varchar(250)



         DECLARE @IntlCodes varchar(250)

         SET @IntlCodes = ''

         SELECT @IntlCodes = CASE @IntlCodes

                                                WHEN ''

                                                THEN ISNULL( @IntlCodes, '')

                                                ELSE ISNULL( @IntlCodes, '')  + CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.country_code, '')) + ' ' +

                                                                              ISNULL( Countries.country_name, '') + '  ' +

                                                                              CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.pct, '')) + '  ' +

                                                                              CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( tb_intl.intl_marker, ''))


         FROM tb_intl

              LEFT JOIN Countries ON( tb_intl.country_code = Countries.NIH_State_Country_Code)

         WHERE tb_intl.award_id = @ID


         RETURN( @IntlCodes)



    I am sure there is a more compact way to write that but I am leaving the office now. (i'll leave that to you )



    * Noel

  • Still not returning any values: 

    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id( N'dbo.GetInternationalCodes') AND xtype IN( N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes( @AwardID integer)

    RETURNS varchar(250)



         DECLARE @IntlCodes varchar(250)

         SET @IntlCodes = ''

         SELECT @IntlCodes = CASE @IntlCodes

                                                WHEN ''

                                                THEN COALESCE( @IntlCodes, '')

                                                ELSE COALESCE( @IntlCodes, '') +

                                                         COALESCE( CONVERT( varchar, tb_intl.country_code), '') + ' ' +

                                                         COALESCE( Countries.country_name, '') + '  ' +

                                                         COALESCE( CONVERT( varchar, tb_intl.pct), '') + '  ' +

                                                         COALESCE( CONVERT( varchar, tb_intl.intl_marker), '')


         FROM tb_intl

              LEFT JOIN Countries ON( tb_intl.country_code = Countries.NIH_State_Country_Code)

         WHERE tb_intl.award_id = @AwardID 


         RETURN( @IntlCodes)



    This is the original CURSOR.  Yes, it was based upon the International ID, but it should work on the #Final.ID as well.  The #Final table contains all the records for a report. 

    SELECT i.[ID], i.id_intl, i.country_code, C.Country_Name, i.pct, i.intl_marker

    INTO #intl1

    FROM tb_intl i

         LEFT JOIN Countries C ON( i.country_code = C.NIH_State_Country_Code)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_id_intl] ON [#intl1]( [id_intl] ASC)

    CREATE INDEX [IX_ID] ON [#intl1]( [ID])


     SELECT i.id_intl 

     FROM #intl1 i

          INNER JOIN #final f ON( i.[ID] = f.[ID])

     GROUP BY i.id_intl

     ORDER BY i.id_intl

    OPEN int_csr

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


     UPDATE #final SET

      intl_codes1 = ISNULL( f.intl_codes1, '') + '  ' +

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.country_code, '')) +

        ' ' + ISNULL( i.country_name, '') + '  ' +

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.pct, '')) + '  ' +

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.intl_marker, ''))

     FROM #final f

          INNER JOIN #intl1 i ON( f.[ID] = i.[ID]

        AND i.id_intl = @id_intl)

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl


    CLOSE int_csr

    DEALLOCATE int_csr

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • When I test a portion of the function: 

    SELECT CONVERT( varchar, COALESCE( tb_intl.country_code, '')) + ' ' +

                 COALESCE( Countries.country_name, '') + '  ' +

                 CONVERT( varchar, COALESCE( tb_intl.pct, '')) + '  ' +

                 CONVERT( varchar, COALESCE( tb_intl.intl_marker, ''))

    FROM tb_intl

      LEFT JOIN Countries ON( tb_intl.country_code = Countries.NIH_State_Country_Code)

    WHERE [ID] = 497923


    I get 3 records returned:


    795 TANZANIA U REP  25  4

    834 UNITED KINGDOM  3  4

    890 ZAMBIA  72  5

    Of course, I need these as a single string.  I am dumbfounded as to why this does not work as it follows the "cadebryant" script closely. 

    Hope this helps....


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • The End for the CASE is in the wrong place. Here is a tested solution that results in

    1 1 Country One 10 11 , 2 Country Two 20 22 , 3 Country Three 30 33 , 1 Country One 10 11 , 2 Country Two 20 22 , 3 Country Three 30 33

    create table tb_intl


    ,country_code integer


    ,intl_marker integer



    create table Countries





    insert into tb_intl

    (award_id,country_code ,Pct,intl_marker )

    select 1, 01, 10, 11union all

    select 1, 02, 20, 22union all

    select 1, 03, 30, 33union all

    select 1, 01, 10, 11union all

    select 1, 02, 20, 22union all

    select 1, 03, 30, 33


    insert into Countries


    select 1 , 'Country One' union all

    select 2 , 'Country Two' union all

    select 3 , 'Country Three'

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetInternationalCodes( @AwardID integer)

    RETURNS varchar(250)



    DECLARE @IntlCodes varchar(250)

    SET @IntlCodes = ''

    SELECT @IntlCodes

    -- When NOT the first row, append a comma to variable

    =CASE @IntlCodes WHEN '' THEN ''ELSE @IntlCodes + ' , 'END

    --Add values to variable

    + COALESCE( CAST( tb_intl.country_code as varchar(255) ), '') + ' '

    + COALESCE( Countries.country_name, '') + ' '

    + COALESCE( CAST( tb_intl.pct as varchar(255) ), '') + ' '

    + COALESCE( CAST( tb_intl.intl_marker as varchar(255) ), '')

    FROM tb_intl

    LEFT JOIN Countries

    ON tb_intl.country_code = Countries.NIH_State_Country_Code

    WHERE tb_intl.award_id = @AwardID

    RETURN( @IntlCodes)



    select 1 , dbo.GetInternationalCodes(1)


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • I believe that is it, Carl. 

    Thank you!!


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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