Substituting CDOSYS for SQLMAIL in a sp for failed logins

  • SQL Server mag had a script from Canadian GIlles Despaties that audits failed logins intelligently and emails the results in SQLMAIL. My problem is that SQLMAIL is not used in our SQL Servers, and I was wondering how to best insert CDOSYS instead in the following code so that the CDOSYS utility is used rather than SQLMAIL?


    /* ************************* Failed Login Implementation ****************************

    Assuming that SQLMail is successfully installed, you need to ensure of the following, :

    1. Increase the number of error logs to keep (default is 6, new value is 25)

    2. Change the Audit level to Failed Login only

    ** This requires a services re-start to enable parts 1 and 2.

    3. Create a Failed Login Management Stored Procedure with the following script.

    4. Create a Job that will launch this procedure

    5. Create a Failed Login Alert that will launch the Job

    ************************** End Failed Login Implementation ********************** */

    use msdb


    CREATE  PROCEDURE dbo.usp_Failed_Logins

     @iDaysAgo int, @iDateDiff int, @iInstances int, @vcMailRecipients varchar(255)


    declare @vcMessage varchar(255)

    declare @vcSubject varchar(255)

    if not exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'tblAlertMonitoring' and type = 'U')


     CREATE TABLE dbo.tblAlertMonitoring

     (uid int IDENTITY(1,1),

      id int,

      name sysname,

      LastOccurrenceDateTime datetime,

      last_occurrence_date int,

      last_occurrence_time int



    -- Keep the monitoring table small

    delete from dbo.tblAlertMonitoring

    where LastOccurrenceDateTime < dateadd (dd, (-@iDaysAgo)*4, getdate())

    -- Add the latest alert for processing

    insert dbo.tblAlertMonitoring (id, name, LastOccurrenceDateTime, last_occurrence_date, last_occurrence_time)

    select distinct id,



     case last_occurrence_date

      when 0 then '1900-01-01'

      else substring(convert(char(8), last_occurrence_date), 1, 4) + '-' + substring(convert(char(8), last_occurrence_date), 5, 2) + '-' + substring(convert(char(8), last_occurrence_date), 7, 2)


     + ' ' +

      case len(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time))

      when 1 then '00:00:0' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 1)

      when 2 then '00:00:' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 2)

      when 3 then '00:0' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 1) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 2, 2)

      when 4 then '00:' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 2) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 3, 2)

      when 5 then '0' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 1) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 2, 2) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 4, 1)

      when 6 then substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 1, 2) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 3, 2) + ':' + substring(convert(varchar(6), last_occurrence_time), 5, 2)



     as LastOccurrenceDateTime, last_occurrence_date, last_occurrence_time

     from dbo.sysalerts

    where name like '%Logins%'

    if (select count(*)

     from (

      select distinct id, name, LastOccurrenceDateTime

      from dbo.tblAlertMonitoring

      where LastOccurrenceDateTime > dateadd(s, -@iDateDiff, getdate())

          ) tmpTbl) >= @iInstances


    SET @vcSubject = @@ServerName + ': High Failed Logins instances'

    SET @vcMessage = 'Please check the event logs for the user login that attempts to login.'

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = @vcMailRecipients, @subject = @vcSubject, @message = @vcMessage





    Jim Ruddy

  • I would create the CDOSYS smtp mail as a separate SP then just change your EXEC line:

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = @vcMailRecipients, @subject = @vcSubject, @message = @vcMessage

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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