INSERT INTO from linked server

  • Hi

    I am trying to use the INSERT INTO statement inserting values into a database on a local server from a database on a server linked for the purpose. After a number of inserts have been carried out the linked server is dropped. I am carrying this process out using the ado connection object in asp. The sql is

    INSERT INTO userResponse

    (questionnaireStructureId, questionnaireId, questionId, userVersionId, thisValue, dateStamp) 

    SELECT  questionnaireStructureId, questionnaireId, questionId, userVersionId, thisValue, dateStamp 

    FROM lnksvrver001bwtest12620060420.ver001bwtest126.dbo.userResponse

    The other insert statements are successful but this one fails. However, if i run the sql in Query Analyser the insert is successful. There is an FOR INSERT trigger attached to the table i am trying to insert into. The trigger operates successfully when data is either manually entered or entered via an insert query in query analyser.

    Can anyone offer any ideas of how i can investigate this further as this has now taken two days of my time and i really need to move on.


  • Did you try only the "select...." to see if it returns any rows ?!

    You say that "other insert statements are successful"...could you post the code for of the successful ones and the one that fails...maybe there's a difference between the two that someone here can catch !!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • So is the insert failing because the trigger is failing?

    What is the error? It might be a permission issue?

    Thanks Jeet

  • The problem turned out to be a syntax error in the trigger. I don't know why this would manifest itself in failing when run through ado but not when run through query analyser, but thats the way it goes, ho hum.

    Thanks for the help and time


  • That sounds quite strange, indeed.  It would be nice if you could post up the before and after versions of the trigger so we could become more educated as to the nature of this strangeness.

    Glad it's working.

    thx jg


  • Hi, This is a post contrary to the information I have read in this post so please don't take exception.

    I have a SQL Express 2008 server that is read from a SQL Std 2005 server in a different location. Basically the 2008 server(s) is collecting data, and the 2005 server polls each 2008 instance and pulls the data from those servers into a consolidated database.

    This has presented a number of interesting problems along the way, but the biggest to date is informing the remote (2008 Express) server its data has been read so it can keep its data tables small.

    I initially ran the update (from 2005 to linked 2008 Express)

    Update [remoteIP].[LinkDB].[dbo].[TransferList] Set UpdateDate = GetDate() Where iKey = @Processed And UpdateDate IS NULL

    This proved to take 40 seconds each time.

    So I tried to add a line to a table on the remote server, and use a trigger on the remote server to update the TransferList. Strangly this failed:

    INSERT INTO [remoteIP].[LinkDB].[dbo].[TransferList_Processed] (iKey, UpdateDate) Select @Processed, GetDate()

    This statement resulted in an error

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IP,port" returned message "Cursor operation conflict".

    There was no support on this statement so I tried creating a table on the remote server that contained a single row, and added an Update Trigger that applied any change to the [TransferList] table.

    Update [remoteIP].[LinkDB].[dbo].[TransferList_Acknowledge] Set iKey = @Processed

    The trigger on this table takes iKey and updates the [TransferList] table

    The interesting part is this update takes 2 seconds, whereas the conditional update took 40 seconds.

    My question:

    Any idea why the INSERT INTO [RemoteTable] failed?

    Any idea why the Conditional update would take 20 times longer (the updated table is only 20,000 rows so it is not a processing issue)?

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